The PM returned to Downing Street to preside over a meeting of his inner cabinet.
The pope sprinkled incense on the altar, then read the traditional prayer of peace in Latin, and began to preside over the mass.
The pastor who was supposed to preside over the wedding urged guests to still enjoy the food and give gifts.
Obama and his pentagon backers are hoping to preside over a forgiveness of US debt and a new financial system.
While Erson has a largely straight congregation he is expecting to preside over a lot of gay marriages in the coming years.
Each year he is invited to preside over various bimo ceremonies by the Yi people from Lijiang, Ninglang and Jianchuan, and I accompany him.
But he was also set to preside over the deepest recession in the country's history. As Ireland's property bubble burst, it triggered a crisis in the public finances.
Field directors: refers to persons who are employed by construction enterprises to preside over the worksite affairs and construction management of the works contracted.
Distinguished guests from New Zealand, ladies and gentlemen, I feel honored and pleased to be here to preside over this grand welcome ceremony for the honorable New Zealand guests.
The Okura Garden Hotel Shanghai is a 5-star hotel and it has invited the Okura Group which is among the top 3 hotels in the world to preside over its management and operation.
His rival, Jan Peter Balkenende, of the Netherlands, is nicknamed "Harry Potter", so he sounds well qualified to preside over the dysfunctional Hogwarts we call the European Commission.
Within a few years, however, Samaranch had transformed the Games into a multi-billion pound industry and he would go on to preside over some of the greatest sporting occasions of modern times.
Within na few years, however, Samaranch had transformed the Games into a multi-billion pound industry and he would go on to preside over some of the greatest sporting occasions of modern times.
The queen, Martin, Bill Gates and several other well-to-dos preside over the glittery event.
We would have to presume on the apartment staff for interviews. And I would personally preside over all of these interviews.
Article 43 in addition to the duties provided in Article 15 herein, the liquidation committee may also convene and preside over the board meeting and the creditors' meeting.
Project Leader shall preside over similar projects, each of the major designers may fill in 3 to 5 of the most representative projects, and may add to Atlas and pictures.
项目负责人须主持过类似项目,每位主要设计人员选取最具有代表性项目的3 ~5项填写,可另附图册和图片。
The directors of this transitional company were not content to preside inertly over the liquidation of their.
The directors of this transitional company were content to preside inertly over the liquidation of their.
The specially invited mediator may preside over the mediation work, or offer assistance to the mediation work presided over by the court.
Our experimental professional preside over all of the operations and can assure your goods to bring up safely, on-time.
Our experimental professional preside over all of the operations and can assure your goods to bring up safely, on-time.