A major problem is that your tongue tends to pull into your mouth when you draw.
If the banks opt to pull the rug from under the ill-fated project, it will go into liquidation.
As the ocean floor plate begins to sink down into the mantle, it would drag or pull the entire plate along with it.
In the case of SPSS PASW, you pull data out of the database into a server to be analyzed.
But Latkiewicz isn't the only yoga devotee to pull Star Wars references into this typically too-serious-for-pop-culture workout.
When they pull data to load into the production environment, they simply pull data from both file systems, and compress, then pass on to their production cluster.
If you suspect that it exists, you need to pull it into the light so it can be dealt with.
Use parameter entities to pull external declarations into your DTD, or to create in-DTD macros to improve readability.
参数实体用于将外部声明拖到DTD 中,或者用于创建DTD 内部宏来改善可读性。
Once he had to grip Moth's shoulder as she stepped into a street, to pull her out of the way of a bus that couldn't see her through the glamour she had wrapped around them.
Make it easy to pull additional people into the conversation, too, to make your site even more dynamic.
Mr Obama is likening the Republican Party to a driver who, having crashed into a ditch, waits for someone else to pull the car out and then asks for the keys back.
He yelled out and tried to pull away. The claws pulled back, hard and sharp, digging into his flesh and forcing him off balance.
Instead, slam a spacecraft head-on into a dangerous rock to move it in a hurry, then fine-tune it with another spacecraft by using its gravity to pull the rock into a safe path.
The question is, what kind of foreign power will China become as its confidence grows and as its economic interests from south-east Asia to Africa and Latin America pull it deeper into world affairs.
Depositors would rush to pull their money out of Greek Banks to protect their savings from being converted into new drachma.
For example, the GLASS product currently lets you save processes that have encountered errors to the repository, and pull them later into a local VM for debugging.
We can use a pattern called Double Dispatch to pull out the variation into the subclasses in such a way that we don't break existing interface contracts.
New Entity's parent group was shocked into action earlier this year when investors began to pull out of the group.
I thought the end was near when I dropped the last overnight pull-up diaper into the slowly filling bathtub next to the leaking toilet.
Because what it really is doing, it's trying to pull you into a world, a very performative world.
The first step to integrate your metadata is to pull the metadata into the repository.
Chemical rockets have the high thrust necessary to lift rockets into space, overcoming the Earth's gravitational pull.
What was thought to be a slight pull is actually a full tear and Owen will go into hospital on Monday.
The second stage, if it is clear that Hamas accepts Fatah's peaceful approach, would be to pull it into a revived peace process.
The same is true with setbacks: Watching one's nest egg dwindle is enough to pull anyone into a deep hole, but a year later, people typically rebound.
A negative aspect of this process is that the new CPU's cache is cold for a migrated task (needing to pull its data into the cache).
On her drive back to college, she'd suddenly broken into a cold sweat and had to pull over to vomit.
On her drive back to college, she'd suddenly broken into a cold sweat and had to pull over to vomit.