Drazen threatens to pull the plug, but gives Gaines thirty more minutes to find Jack.
'When' WGM 'started pulling in low ratings, they wanted to pull the plug on the show.
Having lost three times in a row, Noel was ready to pull the plug on his running career.
At home, many household items give off enough residual heat to pull the plug a few minutes early.
If sceptical Germans want an excuse to pull the plug on Greece's rescue, they will surely find it.
Taoist disabilities due to pull the plug after Zanzi, to wear, for the middle part of uplift triangle.
It is important to have the courage to pull the plug on a goal that is no longer aligned with your true self.
"Both sides know that the coalition does not work, but neither wants to pull the plug," says a foreign diplomat.
'Both sides know that the coalition does not work, but neither wants to pull the plug,' says a foreign diplomat.
In fact, he refuses to budget at all. Beth can see the writing on the wall and decides to pull the plug on the negotiation.
When I saw that the majority of my co-workers did pull allnighters and worked over 80 hours many weeks, I knew it was time to pull the plug.
Yes, I'm sure other factors came into play, and I'm sure it wasn't easy to pull the plug on a splashy product that launched mere months earlier.
当然,可以确定还存在其他因素。 关闭仅推出数月、广受用户好评的产品并不是一件轻松的事。
The family had to decide whether to pull the plug on the life-sustaining machine, because the woman would not be able to recover from the coma.
This was not the answer the frustrated mother wanted to hear. She wanted reinforcement to pull the plug on the parallel universe of her digerati son.
When you hear the word "Canceled", most of the time that means you know, someone's going to pull the plug and the lights go out and everybody goes home.
Nearly half of public health professionals were willing to pull the plug on a patient's life support to save others, compared with less than a third of doctors.
Indeed, Facebook recently had to pull the plug on chatting housewives because they were hogging large chunks of the social network's bandwidth for hours on end.
More specifically, we'll know whether Mark Gorton and the company behind LimeWire will have to pull the plug on their operation and no longer offer the LimeWire Gnutella client.
With the markets in full holiday mode, it was a lackluster Friday today in Asia as traders seemed to pull the plug early ahead of a long weekend due to today's Thanksgiving day holiday in the us.
To help kids build stronger connections with others, you can pull the plug on TVs and computers.
These instructions should also include the correct order in which to perform tasks-for example, should they should pull the plug or call the Chief Information Officer (CIO) first?
This amounted to a declaration that if Greece seeks debt relief, the E.C.B. will pull the plug on the Greek banking system, which is crucially dependent on those loans.
This amounted to a declaration that if Greece seeks debt relief, the E. C. B. will pull the plug on the Greek banking system, which is crucially dependent on those loans.
No matter how intelligent a robot might be, it's nice knowing you can pull its plug to halt the anti-human insurrection.
Often nobody knows which application is running on which server. A widely used method to find out is: "Let's pull the plug and see who calls."
Going back to the user interface, we find choices related to the first plug-in under the Help pull-down menu, as shown in Figure 4.
When you type grails install-plugin searchable, the first thing that happens is that a request goes out across the Web to pull down the latest lists of plug-ins. Listing 5 shows the details
当键入grailsinstall-plugin searchable 后,所发生的第一件事情是向Web 发出一个请求来拉出插件的最新列表,如清单5 所示
When you type grails install-plugin searchable, the first thing that happens is that a request goes out across the Web to pull down the latest lists of plug-ins. Listing 5 shows the details
当键入grailsinstall-plugin searchable 后,所发生的第一件事情是向Web 发出一个请求来拉出插件的最新列表,如清单5 所示