With the middle finger with both hands to push around the upper and lower eyelids wipe eyes 27 times.
A Tegra 2 chip would give the Olympus the power to push around pixels easily in any game currently available, or likely to be available in the foreseeable future.
In reply, humans around the world work together to build a huge engine system that will push Earth away from the dying sun.
It forces you to analyze and evaluate, demand, throughput, and supply. It raises issues around “push” vs. “pull” strategies.
The studios fear that Apple could become the Wal-Mart of the internet-a giant with power to push them around, continually pressing prices down.
Who said that you need to do boring crunches and push-ups and run around the block every day?
But string theory has been around for decades without delivering the goods, and that failure has encouraged the protagonists of an alternative explanation to push themselves forward.
The operators are less worried about Nokia’s push into services this time around because their own efforts to build mobile portals largely failed.
Speaking at the Romantic Novelists' Association's annual conference last week, Holland urged authors to push for ebook royalties that are "considerably higher" than the standard of around 25%.
Just push yourself back from your desk and spin around four or five times from right to left with your eyes open. Then look back at this screen.
Analysts think that Microsoft will push up the release date to later this year to help spur PC sales around the holiday season.
If you are holding onto a grudge or bitterness, Satan will be able to push you around.
'Anybody who has been to a girls' public school will know that people don't push each other around in the playground as boys do.
He hopes they could help Saab gain enough momentum to push its total sales to around 80,000 a year, the point at which it should break even.
He hopes they could help Saab gain enough momentum to push its total sales to around 80, 000 a year, the point at which it should break even.
Maybe young fans figured that if Danica Patrick can maneuver a 650 horsepower beast around an oval track for a few hours, they should be able push their modified Civic to 100 MPH.
The reps I spoke with (all 5 of them, I asked around) honestly didn't know how often Synergy made sure your stuff was up to date with non-push systems.
No one is going to push IBM or Red Hat around regarding Linux (thank goodness or Oracle would try).
If they don't push themselves to finish task, they will have more time to enjoy the beautiful scenery around their life and taste life.
What You Mean: I'm going to push a couple of hairballs around and take out that pizza box... Then I'm going to get distracted by literally anything.
Find ways to maneuver around obstacles and continue to push forward, never looking back.
You use Rigidbodies for things that the player can push around, eg. crates or loose objects, or you can move Rigidbodies around directly by adding forces to it by scripting.
Considering the outside temperature hovers around -30 c, I've stuck to doing a few push-ups in my room.
She could be abrasive with people she thought were trying to push her around or take advantage of their positions to treat others unfairly.
It usually has very little desire to run around and jump up on people, but rather will many times simply push their heads or bodies towards you to encourage a pet.
It usually has very little desire to run around and jump up on people, but rather will many times simply push their heads or bodies towards you to encourage a pet.