Andrew once tried to put out a brighter light in his bedroom, but he failed in the end.
The crew were able to put out the fire after only 25 acres had gone up in smoke.
Don't forget to put out some cookies and fruits.
The firemen worked closely with each other to put out the big fire last night.
It only takes the firefighters twenty minutes to put out the fire.
Mistress Mary did not mean to put out her hand and clutch his sleeve but she did it.
Meantime he worked and worked away, till he made a hole large enough to put out his head.
MGM tended to put out a lot of all-star productions while Paramount excelled in comedy and Warner Bros.
MGM tended to put out a lot of all-star productions while Paramount excelled in comedy and Warner Bros, developed a reputation for gritty social realism.
Do you feel bad if you don't get to use it to put out a fire?
A firefighter works to put out flames near Mansfield in Australia.
The spreading blaze trapped soldiers and local residents trying to put out the fire .
There is a swimming pool in front of the house. Clifford USES the water to put out the fire.
Inside Bear Stearns's Madison Avenue headquarters, executives hurried to put out the fires.
The Daily is thinly staffed and will cost less than half a million dollars a week to put out.
The Daily is thinly-staffed and will cost less than half a million dollars a week to put out.
The Daily团队人手稀少,每周的产出成本低于五十万美元。
He defended his crews, saying it takes a long time to put out a high-rise fire in any country.
At work, people use water to put out fires, grow vegetables, make things in factories and so on.
Hopefully you created vacation messages for voice mail and email, so there won't be fires to put out.
There were other significant changes to the UI that prompted one writer to put out this "Where's My Stuff?" column.
There were other significant changes to the UI that prompted one writer to put out this “Where’s My Stuff?” column.
同时还有许多其他明显的用户界面更改,甚至使一个作家写了一个“我的东西哪去了?” 的专栏。
Think about that when you're tempted to time travel into the future to put out fires that haven't even started yet.
Captain Abe is about to put out to sea from the port. His boat, the Hanasakimaru, was badly damaged by the tsunami.
Jake: Then a man started to smoke, the woman pointed to the non-smoking sign and asked him to put out the cigarette.
Jake: Then a man started to smoke, the woman pointed to the non-smoking sign and asked him to put out the cigarette.