In a duel, as in a game of chance, both parties willingly agree to run a risk.
At last, the leader drew the conclusion that he preferred to run a risk of developing new products rather than go on producing the products that can't meet the demands of the new market.
For those tests that you can't run, or don't have time to run, do you have a view of the risk that you are carrying?
So even if we may not be looking into the mouth of a food crisis at this moment, if we don't do more to support food production, we will run the risk of facing one in the future.
Bugs reported to a mailing list run the risk of being lost as more and more E-mail pours onto the list.
The challenge here is that you now run the risk of accumulating a nearly infinite number of these private states on the server, so you'll need a way to push those that aren't being used out to disk.
Now, as then, requiring Banks to dump their shareholdings altogether-however laudable-would run the risk of turning a bear market into a rout.
Migrating the run time environment at the same time a major change to the code base is introduced complicates and increases the risk inherent in the process.
Investors are wary of lending to Banks for even a few months, because of the risk that they may go bust or run out of cash.
So from leadership choice for the risk of inconsistency, this is a safety example, leading to poor long run performance.
Better, I think, to make a difference and run the risk of failing sometimes, of being made fun of, and yes, appearing arrogant.
We are in a unique position in Vietnam, because local competition does not have the skills to run a large-scale operation managing a lot of credit risk.
However, to minimize your risk of injury, resist the urge to run more miles than your schedule calls for or at a pace that is much faster than your present level of conditioning.
That is, it would be more efficient to allow readers to run while other readers held the lock, but you'd risk a constant stream of reader threads keeping the writer from ever doing its job.
Given their history, a lot of Israelis will run almost any risk to prevent a state that calls repeatedly for their own state's destruction from acquiring the wherewithal to bring that end about.
People who drink their tea piping hot run a higher risk of throat cancer than counterparts who prefer a cooler cuppa, according to an investigation published by the British Medical Journal.
Such counterparties are likely to run from any bank facing a risk of being put in resolution—which, as the recent crisis showed, could mean most banks.
Even if you can't keep all of your cables organized, it's a good idea to make sure your power cables run under the tangle of other cords, to reduce the risk of an unwanted yank-out.
In addition, to a corrupted journal, you also run the risk of losing drive cached data in the advent of a power failure.
We may all run an increased risk of cancer if we drink, but how serious that is depends on how high or low a risk we had to start with.
If the workload isn't well understood, it may not be wise to fix the heap size because there is a risk that the JVM will be forced to run in a heap that is too small.
By being willing to take a risk on entrepreneurial sorts who lack any other way to start a business, microcredit may help reduce poverty in the long run, even if its short-run effects are negligible.
The goal isn't to avoid risk, of course-stepping out the front door in the morning increases your chance of getting run over by a bus.
As in my ice cream cone example above, I run the risk of getting a bellyache, or worse, having to throw up from eating too much sugar, fat, cream & dairy. (True story.)
How to finish PHS project successfully in a short period and how to run risk management effectively become the most concern of telecommunication companies.
Every time you make a change to a file, you run the risk of accidentally making more mistakes.
Capital is limited so there is a need to control the usage or else we run the risk of breaching the target solvency position.
They can sell tickets via crowd funding campaigns, and mitigate the risk of under-selling the required number of tickets to profitably run a show, an exhibition, or any particular affair.
They can sell tickets via crowd funding campaigns, and mitigate the risk of under-selling the required number of tickets to profitably run a show, an exhibition, or any particular affair.