In fact, the share of GDP accounted for by profits seems to be rising over time, so even a sub-par cyclical recovery may deliver outsized profits.
When investors cottoned on to the subdued outlook for profits, as they did in Japan, the effect on share prices was dramatic.
In Germany, the UK and Italy, the share of profits has more than halved (to 1.7%, 5.1% and 2%, respectively), and asset shares have also suffered.
A. the parties to the venture shall share the profits, risks and losses in proportion to their contributions to the registered capital.
Bullock cut her usual fee to star in the movie and reaped a large share of the film's profits in return.
Some may seek to share back-office costs with larger funds in return for a cut of their profits.
The exiting Banks have made tidy profits in the process, while plans for the Western 'experts' to share technology and know-how now look like so many other promises made during the credit bubble.
But in the new world, predicts Mr Wood, they will have to share revenues and profits with providers of software and services, such as Apple, Google and Facebook.
Will this prospective platform war produce a dominant company in the mould of IBM or Microsoft that is able to extract more than its fair share of the profits?
The other side of this equation is the large share of national income that flows to capital, in the form of profits.
Russia has opened an enrichment plant at Angarsk to outside investors, who can share in profits and product but not technology.
Financial services' share of GDP in America doubled to 8% between 1980 and 2000; over the same period their profits rose from about 10% to 35% of total corporate profits, before collapsing in 2007-09.
从1980年到2000年,美国金融服务占gdp的份额翻了一倍达到8%。同一期间,它们的利润在2007 - 2009年下降前,占公司总利润的份额从10%升至35%。
The financial-services industry’s share of total American corporate profits rose from 10% in the early 1980s to 40% at its peak last year.
According to RiskMetrics, lagardere's share price has fallen by 43% in the past five years, leaving it lower relative to the firm's profits than the shares of its European media rivals.
So, even if Warren found a fantastic junior mining stock that he thought was a ‘sure thing’, it would only help to maximize profits if he could share his level of confidence in the stock with Ben.
In most instances the former party is entitled to repayment at a specified time, and receives a promise of some interest, share of profits, or other service as compensation for the loan.
He also says industries - instead of sitting on inventory - need to accept a temporary cut in profits to retain market share and do their part to stimulate consumer demand.
Holders of bonds have lent money to the company, but they have no voice in its affairs, nor do they share in profits or losses.
Japanese media report says Japan and China have reached a compromise and agreed to jointly develop gas fields and share profits in disputed areas of the East China Sea.
The parties shall share the profits and bear the risks and losses in proportion to their respective contribution to the registered capital of the JV Company.
To gain a larger audience share in our area, and thus increase company profits, KICK should also revise its broadcast schedule to inc lude more sports coverage.
The parties to the venture shall share the profits, risks and losses in proportion to their respective contributions to the registered capital.
The parties to the venture shall share the profits, risks and losses in proportion to their contributions to the registered capital.
But they are linked to an increase in margins (ie, a higher share of GDP for profits than for wage-earners) that has made this a much rosier recovery for Wall Street than for Main Street.
The Walt Disney Co. said in a statement Sunday, allowing it to bypass China's annual quota of 20 films that foreign studios can share profits in.
The Walt Disney Co. said in a statement Sunday, allowing it to bypass China's annual quota of 20 films that foreign studios can share profits in.