The Marine Corps usually have to soldier on under the hardest conditions.
If he wants to soldier on to the (probably bitter) end, better to go down honestly.
This isn't the moment to lose the chief executive of Renault and Nissan so Mr Ghosn will be allowed to soldier on.
But some Apple watchers and former employees are skeptical about Apple's fate if it is forced to soldier on without Mr. Jobs.
Even if we try to soldier on, our socially attuned nervous systems are telling us that exclusion is very bad for our survival prospects.
Ford wondered briefly whether to raise the fact that he didn't have any other means of payment on him, but decided for the moment to soldier on.
Mr Berlusconi may prefer to soldier on to a confidence vote later this week, in the hope of making those deputies in his party who refused to back him today an offer they cannot refuse.
Charlie's life dream was to become a soldier, but he would never be able to because of his leg condition he couldn't stand on his right leg.
A former Chinese soldier, who had been trapped in India for half a century, flew home to China on February 11, 2017.
If that worked, we should say hooray! If not, we will soldier on to the next step.
All good things must come to an end and on the last day of school, Dale showed up as a soldier and stood next to a sign saying "It's been fun waving at the bus. Have a great summer."
Dealing with all these costs is complicated by the fact that there is no obvious way to put a price on what a soldier does.
He learned Dutch — and Dutch is a very difficult language — in 1696, while the Turkish war went on, or one of them he went off to Western Europe incognito as an embassy soldier.
If you're a soldier, your first kill may force you to reflect on death and morality.
Based on soldier feedback, a recommendation will be made to senior Army leadership whether to field the platforms or continue with system development under the core FCS program.
For example, a single-player game can provoke deep and interesting reflections on the solitude of the soldier, the triviality of modern warfare technology, and, to some degree, what it means to die.
While the picture's iconic stature rests on the precise moment captured when the Spanish soldier was shot, the possibility that it was staged undermines the historic proof it has come to signify.
I had been seeing myself on stage, with a war bugle blowing and bullets whizzing by and here I was, a soldier crouching in his trench and ready for a bayonet charge, to take my fate by its throat.
He pointed to an ABC News story on a young soldier who has been charged with leaking sensitive material to Assange.
This will increase the amount of time a soldier can safely spend on board from just one and a half hours to ten hours.
For example, in the shooter game Socom 4, the left-hand controller moves the soldier around the screen and the move is used to aim his gun with an on-screen reticle.
The cost of keeping a single soldier on the ground now exceeds $500, 000 a year—a strong reason for a poorer America to reduce its presence in the region.
Man was a professional soldier and all that. You should have seen him on the Frontier. Or how we fought shoulder-to-shoulder through the Khyber Pass. That's where I picked up that Jesail bullet.
One evening while Farquhar and his wife were sitting on a rustic bench near the entrance to his grounds, a gray-clad soldier rode up to the gate and asked for a drink of water.
Rumsfeld unwittingly brought the roof down on his head with his response to an American soldier at a question-and-answer session in Kuwait.
Though hugely impractical and exceedingly unbelievable, the situational simulation that Raiden finds himself in is actually an elaborate machine, meant to replicate a soldier on par with Solid Snake.
Fetal sleepers tend to be shy and sensitive while people who assume the soldier position, flat on their back with arms at their sides, are quiet and reserved.
Fetal sleepers tend to be shy and sensitive while people who assume the soldier position, flat on their back with arms at their sides, are quiet and reserved.