But things like that don’t seem to stand in the way of people with a real purpose in life.
The dark past of their forebears threatens to stand in the way of the pair's love for one another.
The displaced villagers may be compensated, but they are not allowed to stand in the way of progress.
The best thing they can do now is to adopt a lighter touch, and not to stand in the way of necessary rationalization.
If spats over minutiae - such as the regulation of tax havens or bankers pay - were to stand in the way of a deal, the verdict of history would be damning.
Lalas said: "I don't want to stand in the way of a player representing his country but we have to be prudent and understand they have to be the appropriate games."
Such, then, is the way things stand: on the left angry critics, on the right stupid supporters, and in the middle, as usual, the majority of earnest people trying to get on in life.
I don't mean that you have to assume a parade-ground posture, but stand in a comfortable, natural way, rather than hunching over the lectern.
But to help our companies compete, we also have to knock down barriers that stand in the way of their success.
As cosmic particles enter the atmosphere and bump into atoms of air, water, ice, rock or anything else that happens to stand in their way, they trigger telltale cascades of other particles.
I blended in the most perfect way: well enough to fit in and not nerdy enough to stand out.
To begin to answer this question you might say even begin to think about it in the right way requires that we stand back from Aristotle's text for a while and ask some fundamental questions about it.
The changes to the judiciary mean that antediluvian judges and prosecutors no longer stand in his way.
Numerous barriers to care stand in the way of screening, access, treatment, and reimbursement.
The company has been focusing on showing the shoes represent a healthier way to stand and walk, and in proving they can be used effectively for rehabilitation of pain or injuries.
Unless you're trying to make a great first impression (job interview, first date, etc.), don't let the opinions of others stand in your way.
Maynard Gull, you have the freedom to be yourself, your true self, here and now, and nothing can stand in your way.
Well, the entire series is an ode to a young boy rescuing a young girl, no matter what giant monsters and evil curses stand in his way, after all.
You need to stand out and be remarkable, because there are way too many people all trying to fit in and follow the same boring strategies.
You have to send in more or you have to leave. It is not appropriate to stand outside pontificating about not taking lightly the responsibility of sending firemen into harm's way.
Thank you for your smart approach to solving some long-standing problems that stand in the way of universal coverage, as promoted by primary health care.
The only way we’re going to get action, I’d suggest, is if those who stand in the way of action come to be perceived as not just wrong but immoral.
Since it violates our collective sense of decency to stand by while others suffer and offer moral judgments and lessons in free-market virtues, single-payer is clearly the way to go.
Instead, they should stand for justice and integrity, and contribute in an equal way to the well-being of all people, including the most vulnerable ones.
It would be more accurate to say not that Twain hated art, but that he never let it-or anything else-stand in the way of a good joke.
"There might have been two Playbills in my house, one of them was' Purlie, '" he said, referring to the 1970s Broadway musical." I can't say I looked at it the way I looked at stand-up."
"There might have been two Playbills in my house, one of them was' Purlie, '" he said, referring to the 1970s Broadway musical." I can't say I looked at it the way I looked at stand-up."