As a sports man, I always prefer starting early, rather than leaving everything to the last minute.
Everything is left to the last minute because everyone can be reached immediately, no matter where they are.
Imagine someone always leaving stuff to the last minute and madly running around trying to get everything done on time?
By contrast, when compliance is performed manually, the effort is typically left to the last minute and performed half-heartedly.
Teams that leave tool selection to the last minute find that they do not have enough time to train everyone in their effective use.
Leaving important things to the last minute reduces the risk of wasting time on things that may ultimately prove not important at all.
Capello denied that keeping everyone guessing about his line-up right up to the last minute had affected his goalkeeper's preparation.
They're the ones in the back of the gymnasium, frantically writing to the last minute and choking under the pressure of an egg timer.
Mix long term with short term so that a task with a less immediate deadline isn't left to the last minute. It will be obvious if it has been rushed.
Mix long term with short term, so that a task with a less immediate deadline isn't left to the last minute. It will be obvious if it has been rushed.
Day, feelings that the island is going to sink, so, we are prepared to vessels, leaving the island. Only love stay, she would like to adhere to the last minute.
Breaking things down into smaller projects not only makes your workload easier to manage, but also makes it nearly impossible to leave it all to the last minute.
Working to the last minute to finish the installation, they are similar to many artists who have limited gallery experience, despite having run a space of their own.
The end of the holiday means that life returns to normal – or worse than normal – if you are a rocrastinator like Shen Li and have been putting work off to the last minute.
I was going to have a go at parachuting but lost my nerve at the last minute.
At the last minute, I threw them a curve ball by saying, "We're going to bring spouses."
There are people who always wait until the last minute, and make it much harder than it needs to be.
Title pages were generally prepared last in the publication process, often without full authorial assent, and in the last-minute rush to press, mistakes were frequently made.
Not only does she have a tendency to be moody all the time, but she misses appointments, doesn't follow through on projects, and doesn't seem to plan anything till the last minute.
Another time, he cancelled a date with his girlfriend at the last minute telling her he had to get a new battery for his truck.
An aggressive bear will usually rush forward to frighten away its enemy but would suddenly stop at the last minute.
We race to get all our ground work done: packing, going through security, doing a last-minute work call, calling each other, then boarding the plane.
It helps to get into a habit of doing homework early in the evening, and not leave it until the last minute at weekends.
Mr White had promised to cooperate with us, but he cried off at the last minute.
The plan was going well, but we had to scrub it at the last minute because we ran out of ideas.
The plan was going well, but we had to scrub it at the last minute because we ran out of ideas.