The camera has brought people a new, and essentially pathetic, relation to themselves, to their physical appearance, to aging, to their own mortality.
The results suggest that our body language during conversation is more reactive to that of others than it is to their physical appearance, says Theobald.
Although men are rated as more attractive by women when they meet these physical appearance standards too, their overall judged attractiveness isn't as tightly linked to their physical features.
Others are born predisposed to view themselves in a negative light because of their physical appearance, a disability, or for no reason anyone, including themselves, knows.
They just have to make them look like people and everyone in Japan will assume they are Japanese – no matter how improbable their physical appearance.
Women are resorting more and more to esthetical surgery to improve their physical appearance.
And later asked to recall the cuties in the pictures, the students who wrote about their lovers remembered fewer details about the physical appearance of the attractive strangers.
This person would probably like to make books his own, but is restrained by a false respect for their physical appearance .
With no facial expressions, body language, or physical appearance to distract us, members of the Digital Culture have learned the power of words. Both their own, and others'.
Perfectly eatable fruit and vegetable crops often fail to reach supermarkets due to their size or physical appearance.
Some people are drawn to text communication, where there is no face-to-face contact, because they prefer to hide their physical appearance.
The focus of their study was to evaluate the link between physical appearance concerns and psychological distress in patients with lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.
Also, consumers are paying more attention to the physical appearance and user-interface of their home utility systems.
After years of therapy, she overcame anorexia and began volunteering for About-Face, an organization that tries to help women with their physical appearance problems.
通过几年的治疗,她克服了厌食,还为一个帮助女性解决外形问题的机构About - Face做义工。
After years of therapy, she overcame anorexia and began volunteering for About-Face, an organization that tries to help women with their physical appearance problems.
通过几年的治疗,她克服了厌食,还为一个帮助女性解决外形问题的机构About - Face做义工。