Site users were invited to use one of 12 different chat-up lines.
We all recognize a good API when we get to use one. Good APIs are a joy to use.
We initially did not design with a quorum server in mind, but we had to use one.
If you don't want to use one of the predefined data views, you can create your own.
This article has explained how to use one of the libraries in a very simple example.
To use one of the protesters' better slogans, the 1% have gained at the expense of the 99%.
Configure the sending server to use one user registry and the target server to use another one.
Now that you know what comprises an analytical framework, you need to learn how to use one.
Apple's rules would not allow publishers to use One Pass in apps offered through its app Store.
Lemon CEO Wences Casares admits that some consumers will only be willing to use one solution.
Clients can then be configured to use one or more of the DNS servers responsible for a domain.
Why would you want to construct an object model if you intend to use one of the XML parsing APIs?
如果要使用一种XML解析 API,为何还要构造对象模型呢?
A typical technique to avoid multiple interruptions is to use one event for all updating on a page.
The easiest way to start building a Rails application is to use one of the prepackaged Rails systems.
When you create a new KPI, you can select whether to use one that is predefined, custom, or from KPI library.
Indeed, there are some among this vast multitude who never saw a pencil nor would they know how to use one.
Typically, at Nitobi, we like to use one of three techniques depending which platforms are being supported.
The BinderID is contained in the query string of the feed's URL to allow you to use one view for all binders.
在提要的URL查询字符串中包含 BinderID,使您能够对所有活页夹使用一个视图。
To be considered a social network user, the participant had to use one of the sites in question in the past 30 days.
Aggregation: data services allow the provider to use one or more data sources in order to construct a business entity.
Essentially, the decision to use one over the other can be analyzed based on the responses to a number of questions.
By default, the instance is set up to use one type of authentication for all instance-level and connection-level requests.
You can configure a client definition to use one of these view modes by specifying the view mode as the markup version.
A good way to understand the MIB is to use one of the available MIB browsers to explore the MIB shipped in this package.
A less disruptive way to accommodate such changing business needs is to use one or more XML columns in the data warehouse schema.
Another way to determine the concrete type of the event is to use one of the Boolean query methods provided for this purpose.
Site users were invited to use one of 12 different chat-up lines.Each complimented an aspect of a woman's body or appearance.
LiteScape's architects work within a world of coexistence instead of trying to use one technology to solve all of their needs.
Whichever means of setting properties you prefer, it helps to be consistent — try to use one technique or the other but not both.
We're going to use one TAB to hold the main parameters we want to expose, and the other to hold the raw command output from FFMPEG.