Tomorrow is the last day of TIFF and I still have three more movies to watch !
By the way, tomorrow is the last day of this year; I hope all of you will have a happy and fun vocation.
Tomorrow is the last day that I must return the money I owe John, our neighbor. But I have no $300, so I can't sleep.
And the last thing you should do is create a list of things you need to do tomorrow so you are all set for the next work day.
This much is true: if, tomorrow, very large amounts of gold were added to the world's Treasury, boom times would begin the day after — and last until that gold had been, largely speaking, digested.
Irrespective of what happened yesterday or last year, or what may or may not happen tomorrow, the present day moment is where you are — always!
Thee second Sunday of May is mother's day, mother's Day is the last night, I secretly resolved: I must look good tomorrow, let her have a happy holiday.
五月份的第二个星期天是母亲节,是妈妈的节日,昨天晚上我就暗暗下了决心:我明天一定要好好表现一下,让妈妈过个愉快的节日。 !
Thee second Sunday of May is mother's day, mother's Day is the last night, I secretly resolved: I must look good tomorrow, let her have a happy holiday.
五月份的第二个星期天是母亲节,是妈妈的节日,昨天晚上我就暗暗下了决心:我明天一定要好好表现一下,让妈妈过个愉快的节日。 !