The paper detailedly introduces application technique and tool set-up mould of lincoln weld in steel reel pipe welding.
SIMM is a maturity model that has been set-up in the CAT tool and used by hundreds of clients all over the world.
After your environment is set up properly, you can run the ij tool to create a new directory, as shown in Listing 1.
You can use nmon as the monitoring tool throughout the entire performance tuning process. Follow the steps below to install and configure nmon and set up your performance monitoring system.
If your small business is not using technology as a tool to grow, you're set up for future failure.
In this step, you'll set up your own copy of the article, knowledge path, or tutorial template using a tool from the author package.
The medical physicist there had selected the wrong calibration tool to set up a highly sophisticated linear accelerator.
If you're in doubt, you can use a GPT-aware partitioning tool to set up GPT partitions on a spare hard disk or a small removable disk, such as a USB flash drive.
One such tool is the campaign manager which lets you set up response templates for replying to users on various services.
Another useful feature, the Twitter management tool lets you set up continuous searches for brand mentions (shown above), and auto follow some or all users who mention your brand.
The tcpmon tool lets you set up additional listeners, and by configuring these in the ROLES.php file, you can separately monitor all of the services in the application.
tcpmon工具让您设置更多的侦听器,通过在 ROLES.php文件中配置它们,您可以分别监视该应用程序中所有的服务。
You'll be working with the RequisitePro tool a little later here, when you set up traceability between your test requirements.
If you have multiple RequisitePro projects that you want to import into the composer tool, you can set up the integration by using multiple clients and then import from each client.
Execute a make command to build the program; then execute a make install command to install the program and set up the tool.
The ability to set up platform-specific runtime environments through Eclipse is a tremendously helpful and powerful tool.
Engagements can be set-up to allow client based surveys with IBM hosting the tool and providing access ids.
If you don't have a key to unlock or encrypt a message, you can set your encryption tool to look it up automatically.
The SQL Procedure Profiler (or simply SQL pl Profiler) tool can be set up as an applet accessible through a Web browser, or it can be set up as a standalone application.
既可以将SQLProcedureProfiler(或简称为SQLpl Profiler)工具作为applet安装,并通过Web浏览器来访问,也可以将之作为单独的应用程序安装。
As part of the Phase III Extension, a test centre and a technology center for machine tool business are also set up, working together with SNC's R&D Division.
Machining tool operators set up and operate or tend metal-cutting machines designed for repetitive machining work.
SET UP: Typically, the process of changing the tooling on a production machine tool in order to produce a different bearing component part number.
It's necessary to set up the test-equipment to detect the performance of the downhole tool at simulated spot technology and working condition.
Authors use the mainstream network simulation tool NS2 in teaching network, set up a simulation model to discuss the network topology and the method of simulation parameters selection.
该文使用主流网络仿真工具NS 2对教学实验网络建立了仿真模型,讨论了网络拓扑结构和仿真参数的选取方法。
We can utilize the technology to set up system as appreciating tool, learning tool, dancing director 's tool, etc.
In this paper we introduce to the meshed experiment step on involute gear tooth profile by CAXA - 97 software and set up a method of gear cutting tool in the experiment of meshing and cutting gear.
本文介绍了用微机和CAXA- 97软件进行渐开线齿轮范成实验的步骤和范成实验时齿轮插刀设置方法。
An integrated PKI digital certificate system is set up by analyzing structure of this software tool package OpenSSL.
在分析该软件工具包结构的基础上,利用其建立一个完整的PK I数字证书系统。
Do a good job of cross compiler tool chain , the script with the patch set for the compiler to set up their own environment do not want to use.
Gingery miller set up with a 10 inch face plate for facing large work and the universal compound tool and base.
An error synthesis model for the machining centers is set up by using homogeneous coordinate transformation and tool workpiece connection vector.
An error synthesis model for the machining centers is set up by using homogeneous coordinate transformation and tool workpiece connection vector.