Nervous times for the toothy ones.
A white toothy smile complemented the sparkle in her eyes.
A wary tiger flashes a toothy snarl in this extreme close-up.
They used to walk, they used to swim, they used to fly with a toothy grin.
Titanoboa could've swallowed such toothy prey as though it were an appetizer.
Those slippery strands of linguine won't stand a chance against this toothy server.
The last fish turns out to be no cod or haddock but something eel-like, scary and toothy.
He wore it to the premiere of some toothy-fruity love story where he played a blind guy!
This time, when Charlie Crews smiled one of his toothy smiles, it was completely for real.
To this day, I can count the number of times I saw a toothy smile on her almost daunting face.
The study shows that the earliest ancestor of human being was probably a toothy little cannibal.
They've found God, reached a level where they wear a big toothy grin on their faces that won't crack.
The interior was printed on a toothy off-white paper that contrasts beautifully with the stark white cover.
You will be able to catch up to 28 different species of fish, including toothy barracuda and dangerous sharks!
This animal USES its toothy "saw" to sense buried crustaceans or bottom-dwelling fish, and to stun and kill them.
Nine-year-old Kate Middleton shows her true colors - and a toothy grin - in a photo taken at prep school around 1991.
Happy camper: A sulfur miner relaxes with a surprisingly toothy smile at a base camp called Camp Sulfatara on May 24.
"So, could you please explain," somebody with a very 14 toothy voice asked, "why you are down here calling out Teresa."
The toothy farmer said he was introduced to the idea of growing coffee back in 1992 by experts, both Chinese and foreign.
Perhaps somewhere upriver, some wily piranhas were engaged in a toothy chuckle over their successful escape from the purge.
His mummified face, including his toothy smile, and his teenage feet are the only visible parts behind the thick glass walls.
A commonly encountered species found in ports across the galaxy, these short humanoids are characterized by broad toothy snouts, sparse hair and coarse skin.
Using a motion-capture system, the robot, called Geminoid TMF, can move its rubber face to imitate a smile, a toothy grin, and a grim look with furrowed brows.
New research is shedding light on toothy Marine animals that lived before dinosaurs and, according to scientists, ate like the creature did in the movie "Alien."
Biologists from Macquarie University in Sydney insist that grey nurse sharks, while terrifyingly toothy in appearance, are mild creatures which will bite humans only if provoked.
He was on top of her back, pushing and grunting, and she lay on her stomach, her face turned toward mine. Her green mouth gaped, and when she saw me spying, she flashed me a toothy grin.
With her Cheshire cat look, Saraswati used an app to edit her eyes and an impressive amount of make up and face paint to complete the rest of the look, including the cat's signature toothy grin.
With her Cheshire cat look, Saraswati used an app to edit her eyes and an impressive amount of make up and face paint to complete the rest of the look, including the cat's signature toothy grin.