This paper introduces the VHDL top down design method including scheme determination, hierarchy division, and VHDL application taking a digital code lock design for example.
YH TS 1 is a 32 bit embedded microprocessor designed by School of Computer in National University of Defense Technology. It is a top down design and has fully intellectual property.
Only by taking an iterative approach where each iteration combines top-down and bottom-up design is an organization likely to achieve Process Isomorphism.
The approach to use case modeling can be considered a top-down approach for SOA design, where service operations are identified based on where they are needed.
Enterprises are free to use top-down, bottom-up, or a combination of top-down and bottom-up design methods within the framework of the models discussed.
XAware also gives developers the option of starting the design process with XML Schemas, an approach known as top-down design.
借助于XAware,开发者可以通过XMLSchemas开始设计过程,这是一种top -down的设计方式。
However, by applying XSLT to the service messages, in many cases, you can map the service format of the bottom-up style messages to the top-down design.
Generally, a computer system is comprised of different "sub" systems so a programmer needs to have some design or top-down thinking skills to see the program from the larger picture.
A top-down implementation requires more planning and design work to be completed at the beginning of the project.
You can start at the top — the design level, lay out your overall vision and then gradually drill down and implement the components (services).
As defined in [1], SOA design is based on the top down decomposition of the enterprise business model, defined as a collection of the top level business processes.
When you create a Web service using a top-down approach, you first design the implementation of the Web service by creating a WSDL file.
当您利用自顶向下的方法创建Web服务时,您首先通过创建WSDL 文件设计 Web 服务的实现。
Users will initially view your Web site the same way the spider does, so emphasizing the keywords from the top-left-down is a good Web design practice as well (see Eye tracking and search behavior).
用户最初查看Web站点的方式与爬行器的方式相同,所以按照自左上角向下强调关键词也是一种良好的 Web设计实践(参见视线跟踪和搜索行为)。
The software design, using in the top-down design ideas, all the procedures used hierarchical modular design, improving the portability of the software.
I will use the Acme Booksellers sample to explain how to use the top-down design and implementation that is consistent with JAX-RPC programming model.
我将用AcmeBooksellers样本解释如何使用与JAX - RPC编程模型一致的自顶向下的设计和实现。
The meet-in-the-middle approach looks at design of a service by focusing on both bottom-up and top-down.
中间会合的方法在设 计服务时,既关注自底向上,也关注自顶向下。
Below is a top-down view of an airflow analysis of the same design on an A320, with the associated pressure contours for an unmodified and modified fairing.
InfoQ: The entire model framework seems to suggest a top-down design paradigm.
This paper deals design method of digital system of top-down, VHDL and applications of in technology ASIC.
The model embodied the top-down design idea, achieved the respective management of assembly architecture information, mate information and parts information.
The desired design-style of all designers is the top-down one.
Using Top-Down design method, the whole PDDC function is divided to many units implemented respectively and organized to the module library.
To satisfy the special request of the top-down design pattern, an assembly model is built. It supports the design actions in design period.
A real top-down design allows early testing, easy change of different technologies, a structured system design and offers many other advantages.
Introduced the conception of the top-down design and its technical feature.
The paper briefly describes integrates circuit top-down design in three aspects of design tools, design methods and design flow.
A design flow based on mixed-signal simulation is proposed. The top-down design method indicates simulation and verification at each level of the mixed signal system design.
It is a top - down design method which develops systematically from higher end to lower end.
A can bus system scheme can be designed through bottom-up requirement analysis and top-down system design.
A can bus system scheme can be designed through bottom-up requirement analysis and top-down system design.