The gathering of top leaders in South Korea is not expected to go easy on the u.
There have been increasingly frequent exchanges between top leaders of the two sides.
One session will be led by top leaders in the field to highlight the best new device concepts for 2010.
Most companies could use help in broadening their relationships with top leaders in global business and government.
"I never imagined it could be so hot and that top leaders would be reading it," he says during a book tour in Shanghai.
It's a gathering of the brightest minds and the top leaders from many industries and those seeking a glimpse into the future.
The article didn't pull its punches, criticizing State Grid's top leaders and referring to the company as' Frankenstein's monster. '.
The official theme of the summit was social cohesion, but many of the region's top leaders took advantage of the event to hold bilateral meetings on energy.
The best way to ensure career progress, therefore, is to make as few decisions as possibleâ 'a rule that goes double any time the country's top leaders are involved.
The direct contact and exchange between top leaders have played a role that cannot be replaced by other forces in promoting the regulation of international relations.
France invited top leaders of the United Kingdom, Russia, the United States and others to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Normandy Landing, a watershed battle in WWII.
Via questionnaire and deeply survey, this paper's empirical part discovered opinions also understandings of some industry professionals and top leaders of Chinese service firms.
And I combine those six lists and took out some of the redundancies and came up with a list showing here what these companies look for when they try to pick their very top leaders.
Women and minorities account for about 66% of our new hires, so we clearly want to make sure that our inclusive culture is developing them into leaders and be successors to our top leaders.
FOR months now European leaders have been striving to get on top of the euro-area debt crisis.
The year-end summit of European Union leaders is expected to tackle a number of issues, including international banking supervision and Afghanistan. But climate change is expected to top the agenda.
In the video, Zhou and 10 other top school leaders sang a chorus from "Xinshou Qianlian", the theme song of the 2002 China National Water-Skiing Championship.
These are often informal leaders who are not necessarily at the top of a company's hierarchy.
But judging by the antics of European leaders as they filled two top European Union jobs on November 19th, the club faces another danger altogether: becoming a giant Belgium.
Indeed, it is so common for French leaders to place their advisers in top jobs outside the civil service that there is a word for it: pantouflage.
The euro will be vulnerable as long as European leaders fail to get on top of the debt crisis.
And at the top of the hierarchy, the executive leaders who set goals and oversee the program certainly do not perform the same detailed activities as project managers.
And at the top of the hierarchy, the executive leaders who set goals and oversee the program certainly do not perform the same detailed activities as project managers.