He peeled the paper top off a little white tub and poured the cream into his coffee.
The explosion blasted the hill-top off.
We don't need the whole balloon, so we're going to cut the top off.
The engine doesn't top off the battery but simply runs long enough to maintain performance.
Top off, cried the mouse, that is a very odd and uncommon name, is it a usual one in your family.
Top off, cried the mouse, that is a very odd and uncommon name, is it a usual one in your family.
But it’s the part that everything else builds on top off, and is as such a very important part of it.
"Top off!" cried the mouse, "that is a very odd and uncommon name, is it a usual one in your family?"
Instead of offering a snack every time your pet whines for food, top off her water bowl with fresh, cool water.
The POW system lets employees who are paid in cash deposit their money, pay bills, and top off pre-paid credit CARDS.
Then, and it's a matter of record, you can take the top off and though the fleas continue to jump, they won't jump out of the jar.
Then dropped a schoolbag, took off his shoes, clothes also attend to not top off, cried suddenly ran to the computer, a look, oh!
To top off the error handling you'll add several convenience functions that will assist developers in their XForms development using PHP.
It is MUCH quieter than my boat's inboard diesel engine, and more efficient than running the main engine just to top off the batteries.
Combine first three ingredients over ice in glass. Stir gently. Top off with pineapple juice and orange juice. Garnish with line slice and straw.
I know I’ll always need gas in my vehicle. So instead of putting in $25 here and $25 there, I top off my tank every time I’m at the station regardless of the sticker shock.
He pinched the top of the plants off.
Dominic, the show-off of the group, picked up one measly pear, put it on top of his snout, and performed a balancing act as we made our way back to the cave.
In a few hours time most of the world's top golfers tee off in the U.S. Masters.
She admitted she skimmed cash off the top of the fees she collected.
I swept rainwater off the flat top of a gravestone.
I can't remember the name off the top of my head, but I can look it up for you.
It would be a good idea to use a plastic bottle, with its top cut off, as a container to grow young plants in.
I wouldn't say anything about it, even if I fell off the top of the house!
And on top of that, when that visible radiation bounces off those molecules, it scatters in all directions.
On top of all that, a new study published in the journal Learning and Memory finds you are probably better off sleeping than making last-minute preparations for a test.
The outrageous star is still not bored of flashing as much flesh as possible and showed off her derriere in tiny PVC knickers and a lace corset top.
When five pellets are placed on top without falling off, catching cicadas is as easy as picking a ball up from the ground.
—What does the stuff on your T-shirt mean? —It's nothing. Just something off the top of my head.
——你 T 恤上的东西是什么意思? ——没什么,只是我即兴想到的。
—What does the stuff on your T-shirt mean? —It's nothing. Just something off the top of my head.
——你 T 恤上的东西是什么意思? ——没什么,只是我即兴想到的。