Surgeons are performing operations in tents by torchlight.
The torchlight swung across the little beach and out over the water, searching.
The accompanying flotilla of dorados schools (up to 50 now) can be seen more easily, their astonishing blueness picked up by torchlight.
Have you played or are you going to play Torchlight?
Romeo saw many smiling and laughing faces come and go in the torchlight .
The luminous green eyes caught the light, turning purple in the torchlight .
Rescuers could be seen working by torchlight, using their hands and shovels.
And this is visible by the naked eye with the help at a torchlight or a focused halogen lamp.
Reaching out a hand, the wizard caught hold of Hugh's chin and jerked the man's face to the torchlight.
They were in the habit of turning out by torchlight, two or three nights in the week, FOR unlawful purposes.
In the torchlight, he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recognized as BillWilkins, our local grocer.
In the torchlight, he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recognized as Bill Wilkins, our local grocer.
In the torchlight, he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recognized as Bill Wilkins, our local grocer.
In the torchlight, he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recognized as Bill Wilkines, our local grocer.
Nowadays, the modern torchlight has been passed into our hands. As adlescents, we have long realized the duty upon us.
And of course children are renowned for reading by torchlight under the covers after bedtime to escape parental attention.
孩子们为了逃避大人的注意力,常常在该睡觉的时间藏在被子里举起手电看故事书。 这些不都是生活中经常发生的情况吗?
At night, for example, one cannot see things clearly. But if one USES torchlight, things can be clearly seen in the spot light.
The writer Ian Frazier, visiting once to have his Olympia cured of a flagging “e”, was taken into a dark nest of metal cabinets by torchlight.
作家伊恩•弗雷泽曾造访过一次,修理他的Olympia打字机,因为打字机不能打出字母“e”。 点着火把,伊恩•弗雷泽被带进一间装满金属陈列柜的黑屋子里。
The writer Ian Frazier, visiting once to have his Olympia cured of a flagging "e", was taken into a dark nest of metal cabinets by torchlight.
作家伊恩•弗雷泽曾造访过一次,修理他的Olympia打字机,因为打字机不能打出字母“e”。 点着火把,伊恩•弗雷泽被带进一间装满金属陈列柜的黑屋子里。
It looked to the children, when the gleam of the torchlight fell on it, as if the knife were made of stone, not of steel, and it was of a strange and evil shape.
Other new additions include an updated version of the Torchlight Editor for mod creation (and mods will also be able to feature multiplayer), as well as a new and improved user interface.
Torchlight marches, speeches, mummers and minstrels and dancers, bravos fighting death duels for the honor of their candidates, elephants with the names of would-be triarchs painted on their sides.
Torchlight marches, speeches, mummers and minstrels and dancers, bravos fighting death duels for the honor of their candidates, elephants with the names of would-be triarchs painted on their sides.