As you toss back your coffee, you feel the warmth of the place seep into your bones and know that this is what Americana is all about.
This summer, how would you like to lean back in your lawn chair and toss back a brew made from what may be the world's oldest recipe for beer?
When asked about his pre-match routine, he said that the trick was to "have a smoke to calm your nerves, then toss back a strong drink to tone your muscles.
When customers do want to toss their pair, they can give them back to the store, which will repurpose and resell them.
Toss all those feelings out. And get the hell off your ass and back on track.
Toss lots of silly ideas, characters and jokes into the mix, then go back and see which ones strike the funniest chord and can be developed, exaggerated, and manipulated into a sustainable storyline.
Fishermen slice the fin off the shark and toss the creature back into the water to die.
The study subjects were then tracked to see how much they drank after watching others toss 'em back.
You toss them the keys and when they toss them back, how much do they get?
But what if you attach a buttered piece of bread, butter-side up to a cat's back and toss them both out the window? Will the cat land on its feet?
The young boy smiled as he picked up another starfish and toss it back into the ocean. "it made difference to that one."
Looking further back, if you had to choose between the material progress of the 20th century and the improvements in health, it would be a toss-up.
Now, you must remember that Sam likes to toss things out there without any facts to back up his theories.
Then she closed the window and went back to the bed and said to his husband, "Now you can sleep well. It is his turn to toss around in bed, dear."
Then she closed the window and went back to the bed and said to his husband, "Now you can sleep well. It is his turn to toss around in bed, dear."