Among the traditional fossil energies, coal accounts for 30% of the total energy demand and 40% of the power generating capacity in the world.
By Gartner's figures, the world's PCs and monitors are even more power hungry, accounting for around 40% of the total ICT energy demand and 0.8% of global CO2 emissions.
The Cambridge Energy Research Associates, or CERA, analysis cites several reasons why demand in developed nations -- which accounts for slightly more than half the world's total -- won't recover.
After grouping, the difference between actual intake and demand was analyzed and compared in terms of total energy, carbohydrate, protein, fat, iron, calcium.
The main aim of optimizing control is maximizing the total energy consumption of the water flooding system under the condition of meeting the demand of injection allocation.
In the energy demand the severe situation, China building energy consumption is rising year by year, the total amount of energy conservation of the building plan call China is particularly strong.
In the energy demand the severe situation, China building energy consumption is rising year by year, the total amount of energy conservation of the building plan call China is particularly strong.