The house was a total loss and the insurance company promptly paid us the policy limit.
He just tried to keep us encouraged and let us know the season wasn't a total loss.
You are requested to compensate us for the total loss of sugar at value of $105 Per MT.
The total loss of light is a combination of the amounts due to absorption and to scattering.
Therefore, the total loss claim was denied due to the seizure of the goods by Somali pirates.
Root: is the base form of a word that cannot further be analyzed without total loss of identity.
However, there is no total loss as we can transfer them to other planets to continue their evolution.
The Named Insured shall have the right to claim for a Partial Loss in lieu of a Constructive Total Loss.
British and Spanish authorities joined forces to try to salvage the bulk carrier, but the ship was a total loss.
But in Belgrade Serbian leaders are calling decision "scandalous" and a total loss of credibility for the court.
Partial of total loss consequent on falling of entire package or packages into sea during loading, transshipment or discharge.
The only part of UML that is on a high level of abstraction is the Use Case diagram, and that's only at the total loss of precision.
The insurance company shall be liable for total loss on land or sea of the insured goods within the period covered by the insurance.
A gradual decrease in the excitability of a nerve to a previously adequate stimulus, usually resulting in total loss of excitability.
T he total loss in the compound leaned nozzle blade compared to the original designed straight diffluent blade is decreased by 32.3%?
This picture from Puerto Rico was taken with no filtration. The detail is good in the foreground but the sky is a total loss of detail.
Meanwhile, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa this city library is a total loss. An entire floor is now a wasteland of waterlogged books and shelves.
Since then you have sophisticated weaponry that can devastate areas with almost total loss of life, and the whole world has been at risk.
It introduces the domestic existing partial or total loss of excitation protection criterion, analyzed the problem of existing criterion.
He was talking about the one thing Wall Street still has plenty of thanks to those bailouts, despite its total loss of credibility: money.
The visually handicapped are those with partial or total loss of vision and those with auditory handicaps have a partial or total loss of hearing.
Well, roughly speaking, F. P. A. covers total loss resulting from both natural calamities and accidents, and partial loss caused by accidents.
With an increase of the frequency and temperature, the eddy current loss and residual loss contributed to the total loss at the low induction.
In the calculations different fuel pebble material and steady state, depressurization and total loss of flow accident conditions are included.
The total loss ratio of horizontal speed was rather great. The jumpers could not get great vertical speed during the second and the third jump.
French Banks that hold Greek debt have seen their market values fall in the last few days, which imply a total loss on all their Greek debt holdings.
Under both types of losses, the dissolved nitrogen was the main loss forms, of which the average occupies more than 60% of the total loss consistence.
These two polarization losses together hold 85% in the total loss for tubular SOFC. The ohmic heat mainly depends on the current density in the planar SOFC.
These two polarization losses together hold 85% in the total loss for tubular SOFC. The ohmic heat mainly depends on the current density in the planar SOFC.