When abscission occurred, total sugar and soluble protein were decreased, but reducing sugar was increased.
The results showed that the contents of soluble protein, total sugar, reducing sugar and amino nitrogen are almost the same.
When the strain preparation is spayed, the soluble total sugar content and the reducing sugar content of tobaccos can be increased, while protein, total nitrogen and nicotine content are reduced.
In this paqer, the content of reducing sugar and total sugar in glycyrrhiza extracts were measured with the anthracenone method, and the optimal conditions of measurement were established.
The correlation coefficients of total sugar, reducing sugar and nicotine are very high, demonstrating a good concelation between tabacco constituents and the spectra.
The results indicated that the reducing sugar content increased and total starch content decreased in all samples after tubers were stored at 4oC for 40 d.
Trellis systems, berry height and shoots density all had very significant effects on the content of reducing sugar and total acid;
The results showed that the reducing sugar content in flue-cured tobacco leaves decreased, but the total nitrogen and nicotine contents increased under drought stress.
During beer fermentation, the fermentation rate of yeast, the consumption rate of total sugar, the producing and reducing rates of alcohol and diacetyl were decreased as the pressure was increased.
During beer fermentation, the fermentation rate of yeast, the consumption rate of total sugar, the producing and reducing rates of alcohol and diacetyl were decreased as the pressure was increased.