The Scottish tourist board said 33,000 Japanese visited Scotland last year.
Sensing weakness in London, Scotland’s tourist board has revved up its marketing operation.
And when she gets going on how marvelous the royal family is, she sounds like an emissary for the English Tourist Board.
Other areas of the business such as the new paid-for Tourist Board listings will also presumably come under Petersen's remit.
"Tourism on the coast has been brought to its knees," says Rose Kwena, public relations manager with the Kenya Tourist Board.
The number of tourists has risen by as much as 30 percent every year for the last four years, according to Iceland's Tourist Board.
The German national tourist board attributed the drop to "the change in the global economic climate" and decreased business travel.
Sightseers have had their photos taken next to the grave, while the local tourist board has even listed it as an official attraction.
The Polish Tourist Board hired a beefy model to pose as a plumber, promising that he was staying in Poland, and inviting tourists to come and admire him.
Queenstown is the adrenaline capital of the world – that is what the tourist board will tell you, and that is how it feels like when you walk down its streets.
This possible mismatch was spotted at the last minute and the piece yanked, though it resurfaced next month with the support of the fearless Austrian tourist board.
Oddly enough, the Swiss Tourist Board says Chinese visitors usually buy an authentic Swiss brand, so they can impress the folks back home with their purchase.
To counter the slump and boost revenues, the Tourist Board has set up stands manned by teams of "smile ambassadors" to welcome holiday-makers at the city's most popular spots.
Faced with a fall in tourist Numbers due to the financial crisis and a reputation for unfriendliness, the Paris Tourist Board has made a simple request of the city's residents: smile.
Many of the apps act as virtual concierges, allowing customers to interact with the hotel or Tourist Board, secure bookings and reservations and obtain information about services.
But this year, Germany's hosting the World Cup and the Swiss Tourist Board is worried about loss of revenue - and so, its latest television campaign reveals Switzerland's secret weapon.
The Kenya Tourist Board has traveled to various countries marketing a "peaceful Kenya" and is planning aggressive public relations campaigns to improve international perceptions of Kenya.
Considering that Jeju Island is a tourist destination, there may be Chinese tourists on board.
There are guest houses or tourist homes, known as either pensions or bed-and-board houses.
Later that same day, I tried to board a train to Sapa, a popular tourist destination famous for its indigenous tribes.
The tourist is checking in to board the Orient Express, which was once known as "the Train of Kings and the king of Trains."
The tourist is checking in to board the Orient Express, which was once known as "the Train of Kings and the king of Trains."