The top grade release paper studied in this task is mainly used in the factories which produce safety towel paper, hygienic paper and so on.
By comparing foreign and domestic towel paper, a conclusion that the moisture content, smoothness and softness of base paper should be specially improved is drew.
She tore off two sections of paper towel and folded them lengthways.
Frustrated after hundreds of hours of observation, they one day noticed a woman do with a paper towel what people do all the time: wipe something up and throw it away.
Finally scrub the shoes with a paper towel or clean cloth.
The material on the robot's conveyer belt, which MIT calls a "paper towel for oil spills," can absorb up to 20 times its weight in oil.
机器人的传送带制作材料被麻省理工称为“原油泄漏纸毛巾”(“paper towelfor oil spills”),它能吸取相当于自身重量20倍的原油。
Push hard with the pencil tip into the side of the candle, and wipe away excess wax chunks with a paper towel.
Dilute red food coloring with water and pour onto a damp paper towel on a plate.
将红色食用色素加水稀释后倒在铺有湿纸巾的盘子里,在烤饼干专用印章上面沾上食用色素,然后将印章盖在月饼表面。 重复以上做月饼的步骤把其它月饼做好。
Rinse fish after removing its packaging and pat dry with a paper towel.
Before treating, let any suspended particles settle to the bottom, or strain them through layers of paper towel, clean cloth, or coffee filter.
The paper towel, on the other hand, will absorb the still-wet ink out of the fabric somewhat, making the stain less obvious, and easier to remove.
Take out the battery and the SIM card (the portable memory card) and dry them off with a paper towel.
He turns off the faucet with a paper towel.
When done, buff it up with a soft cloth or paper towel (More tips on how to shine shoes).
Let any particles in the water settle to the bottom of the pot, or filter them through a paper towel or clean cloth.
And when she made lettuce we had no good way of drying the lettuce and I would take the lettuce and go like this paper towel she had a method of her own.
A paper towel can be used when handling the public restroom sink to avoid possible germs.
Before assembling your breast pump, wash your hands thoroughly for at least 10 to 15 seconds, and dry them with a clean cloth or paper towel.
If the ink stain has just happened, get a paper towel and press it against the fabric very firmly for several seconds.
Take used tea leaves and wrap them in either a cloth or paper towel.
It cuts down on trash because you can just use one rag and rinse it out as needed, instead of tearing off paper towel after paper towel and throwing them away after one wipe.
Place a towel underneath the item on a flat surface, and cover it with paper towels.
Should the product get wet, please remove any residual water immediately with a paper towel, pack loosely with paper and allow it to dry naturally.
Simply throw a cup of your fresh herbs on a paper towel and microwave for a few minutes.
Simply throw a cup of your fresh herbs on a paper towel and microwave for a few minutes.