When the viscosity of the liquid delivery higher, or when the system work in a cold environment, we must ensure that the transmission medium can flow smoothly.
As a kind of young medium, Internet baa become a transmission method that cannot be overlooked.
The medium access control Technology focuses on multi-address access, that is, how to coordinate users sharing a common channel to achieve efficient and reliable transmission.
Given a frame to send, the buffer that holds it is released by the driver once the frame has been uploaded into the NIC's memory for transmission on the medium.
Because all the devices are in this case connected to a common transmission medium, it is inevitable that collisions occur often in 10base5.
It implied that the future control targets should be focused on the residents and buffaloes in the high and medium degree of transmission areas.
It implied that the future control targets should be focused on the residents and buffaloes in the high and medium degree of transmission areas.