Do you understand my feeling? My heart is as transparent as glass, but you don't understand him.
Beautiful morning as the grass-like aroma, such as rivers as clear and as transparent as glass, as sweet as nectar.
In the early morning of the beautiful as the grass like aroma, such as river is limpid, as transparent as glass, as sweet as nectar.
In the early morning of the beautiful as the grass like aroma, such as river is limpid, as transparent as glass, as sweet as nectar. Dear friends, good morning, wish you have a good mood today!
The front facade, more volumetric and sculptural, has few opennings as opposed to the glass box, aerial and transparent, which covers the triple-height entrance square.
Canada balsam: a viscous yellowish transparent resin obtained from the balsam fir and used as a cement for glass lenses and for mounting specimens on microscopic slides.
Canada balsam: a viscous, yellowish, transparent resin obtained from the balsam fir and used as a cement for glass lenses and for mounting specimens on microscopic slides.
Because of this glass arch, the amount of steel is kept to a minimum and the staircase can be seen as a transparent piece of furniture.
To create as much connection as possible to the outdoor space, the transparent volume of the living room on the ground floor is mostly all over and up to the ceiling made of glass.
Don't be so frail as glass, but as transparent as crystal, as shiny as sun, as tough as calyx canthus.
Although water is essentially transparent, water vapor appears white as does ground glass.
The ancient Romans first developed transparent glass as this allowed them to see and admire the colour of their wine.
Recently, Panasonic introduced the world's first use of transparent glass as the LED lamp lampshade.
There are no Windows in the traditional sense of the word, the glass is treated as independent volumes or as transparent extensions of the game of walls that are interlaced in the central space.
Wadeite is colorless and transparent as well as on lustre of glass.
This is a major step forward in the technical innovation of transparent structures and for glass as a structural material.
In this entrance hall (as in the whole house), visitors are aware of an interplay of open and enclosed spaces stretching between transparent expanses of glass and protective walls.
They may also be manufactured from non-crystalline materials such as glass, cellophane or transparent plastics.
Mesh impressions: transparent without a sense of vertigo, indoor to outdoor as a layer of colored glass lit, outdoor to indoor is vague and ambiguous.
The large window structure is poor, for some room to do a gap, such as acute improvement, with glue tape sealed windows, the glass window with a layer of transparent plastic film.
Transparent things, such as glass or water, have no pigment in them, so they are called "colorless."
The transparent glass exterior of the building makes the laboratories visible from the outside, as well as biomedical researchers at work.
The transparent glass exterior of the building makes the laboratories visible from the outside, as well as biomedical researchers at work.