Administrative pretrial procedure is a procedure in which parties make a series of action rounded with trial in court after the administrative case is entertained but is not opened a court session.
A court in Zimbabwe is due to deliver its verdict today in a trial of a journalist who works for the British newspaper the Guardian.
The court has yet to issue formal indictments, and the proceedings remain in the pre-trial phase.
AT last the sleepy atmosphere was stirred—and vigorously: the murder trial came on in the court.
Information is selectively leaked to reporters before the accused come to trial, often creating a presumption of guilt that is difficult to reverse, whether in court or in the public mind.
In Italy, this step usually precedes a request for a court trial, and is meant to allow the accused time to prepare their defence.
After a trial that 26 lawyers and academics charged was rigged, a railways court sentenced the passenger in March 2010 to three years in prison.
The Governor of Virginia decided to try Brown in a state court. He believed a federal court trial would take too long.
Walker heard 13 days of testimony and arguments since January during the first trial in federal court to examine if states can prohibit gays from getting married.
In Mr Padilla's case the civilian court provided a fair trial and a just verdict, according to a White House spokesman.
If the court finds there is enough evidence against Lubanga to warrant a full trial it would be the first at the I. C. C. since it started work in 2002.
Throughout the trial Mr Danilkin had to consult the higher-ranking Moscow City court, said Ms Vasilyeva, who also works as a press secretary in Mr Danilkin's court.
However, the court has yet to issue formal indictments, and the proceedings remain in the pre-trial phase.
The trial dragged on for many years; he was cleared in 2006, but an appeal court then reopened the case.
Koch Chemical promoted her to a permanent position after her trial period expired in mid-2008, court records show.
To avoid too many appeals, a trial judge often seeks informal advice from a judge in a higher court.
I knew they would do a wonderful job investigating but I was thinking ahead to the trial, with me in court as the victim.
If a trial is necessary, the court has the authority to order one spouse to pay the other's attorney fees in alimony, child support and child custody matters.
At the trial, where an American court would consider questions of intent, the Japanese court based its ruling on whether Kimiko was in love.
And when went on trial yesterday for the hack itself, prosecutors asked for a six-year prison sentence, which the court handed down in full.
Nonetheless, supporters of the court passionately believe that the trial marks a profound moment in modern Cambodian history.
The final decision on whether to put the magistrate on trial is still due, but some Supreme Court judges seem happy to see him in the dock.
In Britain, once a defendant is charged, until a trial is concluded only court proceedings may be reported.
Thus, the typical court case begins in a trial court-a court of general jurisdiction -in the state or federal system.
Research has shown that in court testimony, confidence makes an eyewitness more credible, that it can impact trial outcomes.
Yet the men were acquitted after a two-hour trial in which the court barred American military officials from testifying.
Yet the men were acquitted after a two-hour trial in which the court barred American military officials from testifying.