The Sampaguita gasfield near Reed Bank is estimated to hold about 20 trillion cubic feet natural gas.
Italy's Eni recently discovered 22.5 trillion cubic feet of gas in the area.
As explained in this comic, there's 85.4 trillion cubic feet of methane hydrate buried under Alaska.
That’s more than five times the 350.8 trillion cubic feet of gas held in North America, according to BP.
In 2010 the country produced 22.6 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, up from 18.9 trillion cubic feet in 2005.
Production has soared twelvefold since 2000, to 4.9 trillion cubic feet, or a quarter of the country's total gas output.
Mozambique has some 85 trillion cubic feet of gas reserves - enough to supply Germany, Britain, France and Italy for nearly two decades.
Like the U. s., however, China sits on vast reserves of shale gas, more than 1,000 trillion cubic feet, according to Chinese energy officials.
Nigeria, the fifth-biggest source of oil imports for the U.S., holds reserves of more than 36 billion barrels of crude and 187 trillion cubic feet of gas.
Shell estimates that these new positions have the potential to yield over 16 trillion cubic feet of gas equivalent (tcfe) of resources (>2.7 billion boe).
New drilling technology has unlocked two vast pockets of shale gas with recoverable reserves of about 70 trillion cubic feet (2 trillion cubic metres).
Production has soared twelvefold since 2000, to 4.9 trillion cubic feet, or a quarter of the country's total gas output.By 2035 the proportion could rise to half.
At the end of 2009 the United States had estimated reserves of 283.9 trillion cubic feet (8 trillion cubic metres) of natural gas, up 11% from the year before.
The plan is to attempt to store energy in porous sandstone, just like the 1.7 trillion cubic feet of natural gas that lie beneath the surface of the United States.
But the rest of the seabed may still contain as much as 19 billion barrels of oil and 86 trillion cubic feet of gas-enough to keep America going for a few years.
One of the morepromising energy frontiers of the Outer Continental Shelf, the acreage isestimated to contain 15 billion barrels of oil and 76 trillion cubic feet ofnatural gas.
An area in northwest England may contain 200 trillion cubic feet of shale gas, putting it in the same league as some of the vast shale-gas plays that have transformed the U.S. energy industry.
For example, the Sampaguita gasfield near Reed Bank is estimated to hold at least 3.4 trillion cubic feet (85 billion cubic metres) and perhaps as much as 20 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.
For example, the Sampaguita gasfield near Reed Bank is estimated to hold at least 3.4 trillion cubic feet (85 billion cubic metres) and perhaps as much as 20 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.