Within a few years, 60-trillion dollars is riding on them.
I am talking about a program of a trillion dollars or more.
An optimistic bill to get to Mars would come to half a trillion dollars over time.
The vanishing of more than a trillion dollars in stock-market wealth in a day.
Over the next 10 years, cuts in planned spending could total half a trillion dollars.
Dollar spending on Medicare patients would increase to over a trillion dollars by 2020.
George Bush: My plan sets aside 3.4 trillion dollars for Medicare of the next ten years.
The federal deficit is likely to average a trillion dollars a year over the next decade.
The recent banking crisis has so far swallowed about $3 trillion dollars and caused great outrage.
Mortgage rates are low: the Fed's purchases of over a trillion dollars in mortgages have seen to that.
Because you can't create two trillion dollars of new money every year and expect the system to continue.
As holders of around a trillion dollars of our debt, right now they don't have too much to thank America for.
The non-partisan CBO estimates that the healthcare plan will cost almost a trillion dollars over the next ten years.
Their requests total nearly a trillion dollars and to think California or NYC would be allowed to fail is, well - unthinkable.
The International Monetary Fund says total losses related to American subprime mortgages could reach almost one trillion dollars.
Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky has introduced a bill that would chop a half trillion dollars out of the federal budget.
Two studies estimate California's unfunded pension liability at about half a trillion dollars, almost seven times its official debt.
The effect is that Stern gives a present value of $247 billion for having, say, a trillion dollars’ worth of goods a century from now.
The West Germans gave the equivalent of a trillion dollars to the East Germans in the decade that followed unification with little hesitation.
Whatever we achieved there will not redeem what it has cost in terms of Iraqi lives, American lives, and expenditure of a trillion dollars or more.
Said Osama Bedier, PayPal's VP of Product Development, "We'll do 70 billion in sales this year, but there's $30 trillion dollars being spent globally.
PayPal产品研发副总Osama Bedier说:“我们今年的销售额将达到700亿美元,但是全球的消费额是300兆美元。
Such a proposal, among Suggestions to a congressional super-committee, is expected to result in up to 3 trillion dollars in deficit savings over 10 years.
By some estimates close to a trillion dollars in credit default swaps out there were created electronically and are now undocumented and little understood.
That total value of all physical assets in the United States, both publicly and privately owned, is somewhere in the neighborhood of 45 to 50 trillion dollars.
Represents the single biggest revenue growth opportunity in cloud computing and that it is built on markets totaling near one trillion dollars in it spend.
Right now the total value of single-family homes in the United States is about twenty trillion dollars and the market has been becoming increasingly speculative.
Practically every financial transaction, from someone buying a cup of coffee to someone trading a trillion dollars of credit default derivatives, is done in software.
Practically every financial transaction, from someone buying a cup of coffee to someone trading a trillion dollars of credit default derivatives, is done in software.