We trot out the old Blair mantra from memory.
Trot out the horses for the buyers to watch.
They trot out a plausible theory with computer models to go with it.
You can't arrive to do business in Beijing and trot out English — that won't do.
They're the only team to trot out the same starting five in every game this season.
Sarah is very keen on athletics and can trot out the names of all the leading runners and their record times.
And why was he able to keep reinventing himself when his fellow gurus were happy to trot out the same ideas for ever-rising lecture fees?
If I fired back that playing video games wrecked one's eyesight, he'd trot out a study proving that they improved a person's field of vision.
When most politicians trot out their listening tastes, you get the feeling it is just the work of spin-doctors trying to send a particular message.
This morning a select bunch of schoolboys aged eight to 16 will trot out in red and white shirts at Arsenal's Academy headquarters at Hale End.
Indeed, they begged for songs all the time, especially in their cribs, where Id trot out all the novelty tunes like "Mairzy Doats" or "Three Little Fishies."
If a search engine wants to seem twice as good as a competitor, they need only trot out a bar chart showing they have twice as many documents as their competitor.
Maybe it's a sign of idealism, in an endearing belief in the goodness in people and the brotherhood of man that makes people trot out their lowest moments like circus ponies.
也许它是双赢的,是对于人性本善四海皆兄弟这一信念的理想化。 他们出于这一目的,像马戏团的小丑一样向人们展示自己人生的低谷。
It would be like him to trot after me, his navy blazer flapping, just to eke the truth out of me.
When I was very young, my mother used to trot me out in front of relatives and ask, "Alan, what's thirty-five plus ninety-two?"
One Sunday morning I was staked out in a driveway, when I saw a large dog trot up to my car.
If he can just get her in his mouth, he could trot away and figure out exactly what she is without anyone disturbing him.
In this state they set forth with the sharp rain driving in their faces: clattering at a heavy dragoon trot over the uneven town pavement and out upon the mire-deep roads.
他们就像这样冒着打在面颊上的急雨出发了。 马蹄踏着龙骑兵式的沉重步伐在市镇的凹凸不平的街道上和市外深深的泥泞里吧哒吧哒走着。
In this state they set forth with the sharp rain driving in their faces: clattering at a heavy dragoon trot over the uneven town pavement and out upon the mire-deep roads.
他们就像这样冒着打在面颊上的急雨出发了。 马蹄踏着龙骑兵式的沉重步伐在市镇的凹凸不平的街道上和市外深深的泥泞里吧哒吧哒走着。