Liars sometimes try to cover up their deed with excessive adjective use.
Naturally his wife will try to cover up for him, so we can't believe everything she says.
In some public places, such as bus, cinema, office... Should try to cover up and reduce the unpleasant smell.
It can be used as a metaphor, referring to people who deceive themselves or try to cover up things that can not be concealed.
If you try to hide the mistake, it will be larger influence after found by others (people are always able to find), because you try to cover up the errors.
I might be doing good deeds simply to try to cover up or justify a heart that really just wants more for me and isn't concerned much about the needs of others.
If you don't accept responsibility or-worse - try to cover up that a mistake was made at all, your boss will likely be far more angry at this than at the mistake itself.
If you try to cover it up, they may be fooled at first, but eventually they catch on.
Ironically, we try to suppress these feelings, cover them up and compensate in an attempt to appear perfect to the outside world.
To cover up unsightly dark circles and reduce puffiness, try Clinique All About Eyes Concealer ($15.50).
I managed to take three frames before a mass of United fans piled over and on top of me as they tried to reach their hero. I had to cover up and try and protect all my equipment around me.
Similarly, we've all got weak spots in our CVs, but is it best to try and cover them up or to be upfront and honest?
There is nothing japan can do to cover up its ugly past-using little tricks to try to hide it serves only to discredit itself.
After Seeing this story, I realized that when we were wrong, we should not find an excuse to cover up our own problems and we should brave to admit the mistake and try to correct the mistakes.
Not too short and people try to wear clothing that can cover up to determine, fat people do not pass through tight or too loose clothing, wearing just fit the best.
Oftentimes, we try to cover and ignore the negative feelings which are considered to be temporary, and try hard to cheer ourselves up.
Don't try to cover it up by talking and giving examples that aren't relevant.
Don't try to cover it up by talking and giving examples that aren't relevant.