Somehow it was opposed to the little hay–coloured moth. It was useless to try to do anything.
Texted photos and videos are great for sharing but not so great when you try to do anything with that footage .
We won't try to do anything too outrageous, we are just trying to get the results of their management onto a device so that they can look at that and review it.
If you sign into a second one, you'll get signed out of the first one when you try to do anything or if you sign in and you want to sign in with different account in new TAB you can't do this.
This means that if there's anything that needs fixing around the house, he will try to do the job himself.
Now whenever I hear of a friend who's lost a loved one, I no longer call with the polite offer, "If there's anything I can do…" Instead I try to think of one specific task that suits that man's need, like taking the dog to the boarding kennel, or house sitting during the funeral.
The question now, she says, is whether seismologists can do anything with her research to try to predict the next big one.
While you may not be able to do anything to persuade your company to turn up the heat, you can try a few tricks to stay as warm as possible.
It beats us all the time - not just with eating, but with anything we try to do and end up quitting, caving in, doing it despite our best efforts.
This brings up a common myth about minimalism - that we have empty lives, and can't do anything fun because we try to eschew consumerism and all the spending that entails.
But that didn't happen by accident -i engaged Eva from the beginning, got her on my side, and didn't push or try to force her to do anything (well, usually -i don't claim to be perfect).
But that didn't happen by accident - I engaged Eva from the beginning, got her on my side, and didn't push or try to force her to do anything (well, usually - I don't claim to be perfect).
The hardest part is the feeling that Holly is unable to appreciate anything we try to do for her.
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And smart people know that when we try to do it all, we most often only succeed in diffusing our power to do anything well.
So do pantomime, make sound effects, gesticulate wildly, make shadow puppets if you need to, try anything!
You're serious about this, aren't you? I'll try talking to our parents for you, but you must promise not to do anything irrational until I do.
So do pantomime, make sound effects, gesticulate wildly, make shadow puppets if you need to, try anything!
所以,做手势、发出声音、夸大手势,做皮影反正随你需要,尝试任何方法! !
Try to find out two things: what one or two characteristics distinguish them from poorer performers and what, if anything, do they have in common with each other.
Angry people can have trouble thinking clearly, so try not to do or say anything to make things worse.
Now, mind you, I haven't said anything today to convince you of the truth of compatibilism, nor am I going to try to do that.
I try to reach out to my daughter but she doesn't want to have anything to do with me.
"Well, George," answered Jim, "I shall certainly try to do what I can for you as an old friend, but of course I cannot promise anything."
Is there anything I can do to try to prevent wilt on the clematis I already have growing?
Is there anything I can do to try to prevent wilt on the clematis I already have growing?