As they walk around a playground or other area, text, video or audio pops up at various points to help them try to figure out why aliens were in the schoolyard.
You frantically try to figure out the problem, so you can get to work on time.
Let's close the loop and let's try to figure out the voltage inside this loop.
And, we are going to try to figure out what part of our ray is inside this side.
Try to figure out if you think these guys are ever going to make a woman partner.
Sara explains that she was in a bar. They try to figure out where Wyatt is staying.
And, in that direction, you will try to figure out, how far does your region extend?
Are we going to try to figure out how the total pressure above the solution changes.
And you would try to figure out what is the stuff that flows through it in a second.
It's sometimes fun to look at a painting and try to figure out what medium the artist used.
OK, so first of all, we should try to figure out how we are going to think about functions.
Whatever these things are, try to figure out ways to minimize their ability to interrupt you.
He trains police and secret service members to try to figure out cues to honesty and dishonesty.
If you are learning something new, try to figure out why you are anxious about it, Ms. Rose says.
In other words, we're going to go try to figure out if playing music really does put you in the mood!
That's how we learn to be great, we try to figure out, through the trial process, what works the best.
She and Monica try to figure out the secret recipe, only to discover that they are Nestle Tollhouse cookies.
If you're a guest at an Affinia hotel, the staff will try to figure out what you need just by looking at you.
Pay attention to how you feel when you read these details about the character, and then try to figure out why.
When users are visiting a site for the first time, they try to figure out what single layout blocks stand for.
I play a game with the advertisements I'm exposed to... I try to figure out what logical fallacy they're using!
It's a question many of us struggle with, as we try to figure out how close we are to who we actually want to be.
Fischbach has been attaching satellite radio tags on the walruses to try to figure out how the animals are coping.
It's also why they have to constantly tweak the results in an ongoing arms race with people who try to figure out their system.
We ought to start out admitting the same when we try to figure out what consumer spending will look like over the next 20 years.
Most people don't have time (or inclination) to try to figure out what a website is for if it's not immediately apparent to them.
So-called disambiguation algorithms can crawl through the literature and try to figure out which papers belong to the same author.
Try to figure out a local Angle for an international story, as it may encourage your editor to put your story in a more prominent position.
Gc, is typically the first place developers go to try to figure out if the JVM garbage collector is acting up and causing poor performance.
Gc, is typically the first place developers go to try to figure out if the JVM garbage collector is acting up and causing poor performance.