Look, Mister, we know our job, so don't try to tell us what to do.
You can just do your best and don't try to be perfect and don't expect others to be, too.
It is also the reason why when we try to describe music with words, all we can do is articulate our reactions to it, and not grasp music itself.
For instance, many babies are perfectly proficient crawlers, but they decide to try walking because there's more to see and do when they stand upright.
The solution to this problem is not to try to use money as an incentive to do housework, but to get children involved in housework much earlier, when they actually want to do it.
Try to slot it in as a to-do list item and you'll manage only goal-focused reading—useful, sometimes, but not the most fulfilling kind.
She decided that she was going to try to just use cash for two weeks to make all of her essential purchases and see what that would do to her spending.
But before we try to emulate geniuses or encourage our children to do so we should note that some of the things we learn from them may prove unpalatable.
I often read for about an hour, and then I try to think of something else to do.
"I know that I am slow, but I'll try to be steady, and to do my best." said the little girl, as she went on with her work.
It's wrong of him to do that. But you should try to control your anger.
As members, we should try our best to do what we should do to make the world better and better.
I do know how upset the shop staff can get, but I try to persuade them to keep smiling.
Since you can't change that, all you can do and have to do is to cover the wound by patches and try your best to make a most beautiful flower on the wound, and that is what life teaches us.
Now whenever I hear of a friend who's lost a loved one, I no longer call with the polite offer, "If there's anything I can do…" Instead I try to think of one specific task that suits that man's need, like taking the dog to the boarding kennel, or house sitting during the funeral.
Then they try to teach the students something with a specific presentation style, like using visual AIDS, and do a follow up test to see how much they learned.
If you have two jobs to do, it's quicker to do one and then the other, rather than try to do both at the same time.
Well, because we are going to try to use our new knowledge, let's try to do it using vectors in a smart way.
And one role of the Deep Carbon Observatory will be to try to do it again in more sophisticated ways.
What we try to do is to make our solutions so compelling, and so attractive that there is really not push back.
Though it definitely does not hurt to try to talk to them, do not let them suck into your peace and quiet.
So it might not be prudent to try to do asynchronous invocations in the same channel.
The treaty Egypt signed at Camp David in 1979 made it harder for Israel's smaller Arab neighbours to go to war, encouraging Jordan to conclude its own peace deal and Palestinians to try to do so.
It is all too easy to try to do something about it. Surviving the attempt can seem like yet another failure, leading to more despair.
Some customers are struggling with overall growth of mail files as they try to determine what to do with the data and how the growth is affecting performance.
Every day that he staves off the immediate threat will be a victory, and knowing Olmert as we do, this is what he is going to try to do.
I was rather amazed I was able to design this and opened my eyes to try to do it even better.
I felt like I played a good set.You know, so I wanted to try to do more of the same.
I felt moving on was what I needed to do, but... should we try to do more?
The intruder uses this access to try to circumvent the normal application usage and to do inappropriate things.