Do twin propellers turn inward or outward when going ahead?
Sometimes Bichons can have an extra row of eyelashes or have eye lids that turn inward.
It is only when you turn inward and find your own way home that there will be an opportunity for real ascension.
Instead of spending so much time focusing on what is not working, turn inward and ask how you can improve yourself?
It can be tempting, in times of economic difficulty, to turn inward, away from trade and commerce with other nations.
Every difficulty in life presents us with an opportunity to turn inward and to invoke our own submerged inner resources.
No matter how rich and varied world of his fiction, grotesque, have a turn inward centripetal force-the mental pain complex.
The danger in this type of response is that if your anger isn't allowed outward expression, it can turn inward - on yourself.
If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them.
As each of us begins to turn inward and learns to become their own "Creator" a very logical place to turn into may be one's own body.
Essentially it is what happens when the cash-strapped stabilizing forces of the world turn inward and grow allergic to expensive overseas distractions.
As it did later, in other cities and other schools, my tendency to turn inward protected me from life's difficulties, but it also deprived me of life's riches.
How to turn inward? Sadhguru explains, a life lived purely logically is not worth living. However, tasting life beyond the logical requires commitment and intensity.
Perhaps the Age of Excess had to end before we could all turn inward just enough to rediscover the gold standard of the perfectly formed phrase, and make connections again.
When I went to India, I learned about what it means to turn my gaze inward and know myself.
Men are more likely to act out their inner turmoil while women are more likely to turn their feelings inward.
Turn your biceps strongly outward in Tadasana, but keep your forearms and palms turning inward so that your palms face your thighs.
The tensor fascia lata and gluteus medius turn the thigh bone inward, balancing the turning-out force of the gluteus maximus.
Turn the upper thighs slightly inward and firm the outer thighs.
Turn the upper thighs slightly inward.
Nothing is vague about the definite way he feels it. He can turn to it with his inward attention.
The scenario is similar to that of a figure skaterdrawing her arms inward during a spin to turn faster on the ice.
As more people turn from the material things, focus inward and let love flow through them, the world will be changed one heart at a time.
Emerson is matched only by his hero Montaigne, who confessed, "The world always looks outward, I turn my gaze inward;"
Emerson is matched only by his hero Montaigne, who confessed, "The world always looks outward, I turn my gaze inward;"