We're going to let bygones be bygones, and try and turn over a new leaf.
Linda realized she was in the wrong and promised to turn over a new leaf.
He promised to turn over a new leaf and study harder.
Now that it's the New Year, I've decided to turn over a new leaf.
These people may use the new Year as a time to turn over a new leaf!
这些人可能将新年作为洗心革面重新做人(Turningover a new leaf)的时机。
January 1 is a great time to try something new, to turn over a new leaf.
I've decided to turn over a new leaf and do lots of exercise from now on.
He had been very lazy but he is go to turn over a new leaf and work hard.
His wife of five years asked him to turn over a new leaf and quit smoking.
She plans to take a gap year from October, as a way to turn over a new leaf.
Now he has decided to turn over a new leaf and go to school on time every day.
Now John has decided to turn over a new leaf and go to school on time every day.
If you have been vowing to eat more nutritiously, begin to turn over a new leaf.
Once you turn over a new leaf, you can't expect to change completely right away.
If you turn over a new leaf, you will start to behave better or become a better person.
But I've decided to turn over a new leaf and stay at home more to concentrate on my studies!
He decided to turn over a new leaf. He would live simply and regain the respect of his family.
Now let's turn over a new leaf, we feel a big regret but we must look ahead and focus on the domestic league.
Don't think about such thing again and again. Let it be. He must learn to control himself and turn over a new leaf.
I used to out every evening but I've decided to turn over a new leaf and stay at home more to concentrate on my studies.
Qiumei is now ready to turn over a new leaf in her life, finding a new job, and contributing the society with the volunteers.
I trust that you will take my sincere advice into serious consideration and decide to mend your ways and turn over a new leaf for your own sake.
He decided to turn over a new leaf after that. In the end finally; at last He tried various different jobs and in the end became a tourist guide.
He decided to turn over a new leaf after that. In the end finally; at last He tried various different jobs and in the end became a tourist guide.