"Looks fine to me," she'd said, adjusting the knot, and turned back to the closet to finish dressing.
The batteries died on her tape recorder, so they made a date to finish the interview later that week, which turned into dinner for two.
This big-bang finish — which includes a topsy-turvy image that poignantly suggests the world has been turned on its axis for good — is sloppy, at times visually incoherent, yet touching.
One night, I had just finished locking all the doors on the way up, had turned out the lights to the 6th floor and was heading down the hall to finish up the building and get the heck outta Dodge.
When I reached the finish line, I turned my head to see that all of my competitors were behind me and I realized I was the number one.
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's side have been repeatedly involved in tight affairs over recent weeks, but this was a rip-roaring match which twisted and turned before the Reds' grandstand finish.
The article analizes the influence of vib-displacement between the tool and workpiece on foe surface finish of the workpiece precisionally turned by a single point tool.
Furthermore, the reducer is turned on at the prescribed degree, thereby circling the little refrigerant to the indoor heat exchanger so as to improve the precision of judging the finish of defrost.
Furthermore, the reducer is turned on at the prescribed degree, thereby circling the little refrigerant to the indoor heat exchanger so as to improve the precision of judging the finish of defrost.