My friend, Robert, has a twin sister named Amanda.
Ann Landers is her twin Sister, Esther "Eppie" Friedman.
My twin sister Ann likes drawing pictures and making kites.
She likes playing bowling while her twin sister prefers golf.
She has a twin sister, Lucy. She looks quiet, and Lucy looks more outgoing.
No, you must be mistaken. She was here with me. That might be her twin sister.
Giambattista called the store Taylor's Closet, after her twin sister who died at birth.
Family of Origin: Leto and Zeus were the parents of Apollo and his twin sister Artemis.
I let her look into the eyes of her twin sister and say, "I want to follow you into death."
In this family the twin sister was excluded. She was not remembered as a real member of this family.
Being the twin sister of paper-cut, the craft of wallet reflects the aesthetic generality of folk arts.
She explained that she had a twin sister, Alba, who also had cerebral palsy but who, unlike her, couldn't speak.
Nom Anor intended to use Jacen to sacrifice his twin sister, Jaina, thus fulfilling an ancient Yuuzhan Vong prophecy.
Nom Anor intended to use Jacen to sacrifice his twin sister, Jaina, thus fulfilling an ancient Yuuzhan Vong prophecy.
" So with the blessing of her twin sister, the mother could tell her husband and her child, "Now I will stay alive. "
He and his twin sister, Jaina, were born to Leia Organa and Han Solo on Coruscant during the end of the Thrawn crisis.
The story is told by Sara Louise Bradshaw, a 13-year-old girl who lives with her parents and her twin sister Caroline.
Ashley co-founded luxury fashion brand the Row and the more affordable Elizabeth and James with twin sister Mary-Kate Olsen.
Turns out Hayward, now 6-8, was a 5-11 junior tennis player not so long ago, competing in mixed doubles with his twin sister, Heather.
Jacen and his twin sister Jaina were born in the pages of the Last Command, the final book of Timothy Zahn's landmark Thrawn Trilogy.
A few years ago Elissa's twin sister, Lori, held a destination wedding in Hawaii, so it only made sense for Elissa to have one of her own.
Apollo was the god of the sun, music, poetry and prophecy, while his twin sister Artemis (Diana) was the goddess of the moon and the chase.
Three days later, when the goddess of fortune returned to the home, her twin sister, the goddess of misery, disappeared immediately. The family became happy again.
Like you're back in the sixth grade again, with bad acne, and the boys want to date your pretty and popular twin sister (that's when my self-esteem issues started).
BOSTON (Reuters) - Doctors in St. Louis said they have successfully transplanted a full ovary from a volunteer, allowing her infertile twin sister to give birth to a healthy baby girl on November 11.
It was Pappy that considered the twin-engine bomber and its sister, the A-20, and found potential in the aircraft far above what the North American Aviation Company had planned.
帕布认为,北美航空公司生产的双发b - 25是其最有潜力的飞机。
It was Pappy that considered the twin-engine bomber and its sister, the A-20, and found potential in the aircraft far above what the North American Aviation Company had planned.
帕布认为,北美航空公司生产的双发b - 25是其最有潜力的飞机。