To be able to specify those key attributes, Destiny selects Complex for the type of the business item, and then adds some attributes.
When an inbound event is based on an event that carries a business payload, an event part that describes the type of the business payload is created in the inbound event in the monitor model.
We can use this area to edit common properties of the business object, including the name and type of each attribute.
The abstract definition of a business function, describable via a port type in WSDL, is not dependent on the protocol used.
If you use a business item as the data type for a repository, it will be mapped to a data field of XML type, even if the business item only has one attribute.
You can also save values of one type and then use them in the business objects of other types, which is useful when you have similar data in different business objects.
Once you have made the decision of the type of funding your business requires, it is time for the research.
For example, if you choose the implementation type of a task as a business rule type, you can add concrete business rule requirement descriptions in WBM.
In this type, the business stakeholder can use the service within all processes where the functionality and service-level agreement of the service are required.
Depending on the type of channel selected by a partner, different business patterns will become applicable.
Get all necessary licenses and permits: Along with a business license, you may need to get additional licenses depending on the type of business and local laws.
Create an interface, which takes as input the business object, and as output a type of string.
You can mold the type library to fit your business rules instead of trimming the business rules to fit the schema language.
The people required for this type of project must have both a broad understanding of the business and a detailed knowledge of a specific business area.
The type of implementation depends on the business and environmental requirements of the application.
The type of each parameter, whether it is a string or a business object, must be the same.
Also, if a business item has an attribute of the correct type, but that attribute is already bound in the monitor set, the business item will not be listed.
The size of the discount is a key business decision based on the type of customer.
The remainder of this article will demonstrate the activities that two business analyst would perform to add an additional type of payment to this process.
A "business policy" then, is a type of business directive that expresses the course of action that the business wants to have happen within a set of business conditions.
Note that complex types (such as MyBO in Figure 17) also show a blank string because only the simple type fields of a business object can have values.
请注意,复杂的类型(如图17中的 MyBO)还显示一个空字符串,这是因为只有业务对象的简单类型字段才具有值。
A map in Modeler is used when the output of one task has a different data type or business item than the next task in the flow.
The meaning of interoperability depends on the type of Web services interoperating with one another: data-centric, business process, or a combination.
The only type of Business Glossary content that can be actively leveraged in a mapping specification is business terms.
惟一一种能在映射规范内被积极使用的Business Glossary内容是业务术语。
One part, called EventInfo, describes the type of the static event information and another part, called TradeOutArray, describes the type of the dynamic business payload.
Once you have selected the type of process, click Finish and the business process editor opens up. The following picture highlights the key elements of the business process development environment.
The type of business item cannot change when it is sent from one task to another, i.e., the output, the input, and the connection between them always have the same business item attached.
This coupling of interface design to implementation type could inhibit the very business agility that SOA solutions are intended to support.
It is rather long, but this type of abstraction from the business-world domain to the underlying technology domain is present in every business application.
You can configure the type of the decomposition from the transformation UI and apply it to an individual business process.