For instance, plastics have a known weakness to ultraviolet rays from the sun, and so long exposure might represent an issue.
Researchers believe that these growths are caused in part by long-term exposure to the ultraviolet rays contained in sunlight.
The resistance of the color on dials to ultraviolet rays is tested by placing them under a projector which simulates a 365-day exposure to sunlight within just 72 hours.
As it is well known, the ultraviolet rays can be widely applied to disinfection, physical treatment, detdctive discrimination and exposure optical carving etc.
Leading dermatologists and photobiologists warn that daily exposure to ultraviolet rays means the skin can age more than twice as quickly as skin that is protected.
Leading dermatologists and photobiologists warn that daily exposure to ultraviolet rays means the skin can age more than twice as quickly as skin that is protected.