But the employment of the disabled is a question which any society is unable to avoid.
Since death is unable to avoid, then the fear toward death only can be dispelled through explanation.
If the US, with its vast experience and resources, was unable to avoid these traps, why, they will ask, should we expect to do better?
In addition, the stability of wildcat well is generally determined by experience, so the disaster at complex formations is unable to avoid.
As the fabric passes through the spray section, it is supported by the drum surface and is thus unable to avoid the hydrodynamic water pressure.
The relation between the efficiency and the fairness always are the major issue that is unable to avoid in the economic research area and social practice domain.
Not even the Netherlands, which in an international context seemed for so long to be a safe haven in the field of pensions, will be unable to avoid a broad social debate on this topic.
His fingers were fused together and he was unable to close his mouth even enough to avoid drooling.
While the bugs are unable to fly or jump, they can crawl very fast and they tend to avoid light.
In order to avoid after the arrival of the goods, the customer is unable to pick up, resulting in our shipping and we paid collection fee loss.
But, we have the problem that it is unable to ignore, can't avoid too in system and mechanism.
Unable to utter a single sentence that isn't laced with the foulest curses, even this man's friends avoid long conversations where possible.
And with the youngster still unable to speak English, the club have prescribed daily language lessons to avoid communication problems with his defenders in the early stages of the new season.
When a wounded person is unable to get off the vehicle by himself, he should be removed from the vehicle so as to avoid a secondary injury.
With the Internet becoming new mass media and the Internet opinion arising rapidly, the Internet opinion has had much effect on society, which is unable for people to avoid.
China's Agri-Food Council to encourage people try to use the eggs, syrup and egg powder to avoid eggs out of stock , they are unable to enjoy eggs food system.
Some avoid the circumstances while others are unable to control the way their lives are affected by circumstances, yet do their best to fulfill their responsibilities.
Some avoid the circumstances while others are unable to control the way their lives are affected by circumstances, yet do their best to fulfill their responsibilities.