The most unbearable pain in the world is to be parted in life, and separated by death.
At this moment, a unbearable pain from heart swell up, eyes are full of tears, seems to be flowing.
Pain was evaluated using a visual analogue scale (VAS) where 0 was no pain and 10 was unbearable pain.
After I left the hospital I suffered an almost unbearable pain and was not able to make even a tiny move.
Product quality, service quality, service and integrity issues have become a group purchase site unbearable pain.
Finally I know what Romain Rolland had said: The most unbearable pain may be what you want to do yet without practice.
Life is made up of these little moments that add to our wellbeing, not just the larger than life ones that cause both immense happiness and unbearable pain.
So they agreed to organise a trip to Dignitas, a Swiss organisation set up in 1988 to help those suffering from terminal illnesses or unbearable pain to die "with dignity".
Visual analogous scale (VAS) suggested by WHO was used to assess. Analgesia intensity expressed with 0-10, 0 point as without pain completely, 10 points as unbearable pain;
He spends two months a year here. The medical bills devour his income, so he only seeks treatment when the pain becomes unbearable.
"Hot weather is bad," says Felix Vega, but "cold is worse" because it makes the back pain unbearable.
If a man can only live by himself, only by thinking about himself, his pain will be unbearable.
Growing pains sometimes may seem unbearable, but believe me they are nothing compared with the pain of shrinking or the pain of standing still.
Frankly speaking, the pain is sometimes so unbearable it's hard to even stand the weight of your own clothes on the scars.
Liu said the pain was "unbearable" and that he risked further injury to his Achilles tendon if he tried to finish Monday's race.
People can tolerate hunger, poverty, labor, and even imprisonment, however, was the most unbearable emotional pain.
Thee story of the little prince, is sad, a pain of love. Love was serious and sincere, cut bone pain and unbearable.
People weep due to intense pain or pleasure, that is, when sorrow becomes unbearable or when joy becomes overwhelming.
And if you drop the dumbbell on your most fragile part, the pain can be unbearable.
As his dental pain became unbearable, he called for appointments.
When you find yourself set himself the goal of an unbearable burden, suffering and pain They sped to.
Loneliness and pain being unbearable, people would seek unhealthy and degenerative forms of escape. Such a being would ultimately be the cause of fragmentation of society itself.
Loneliness and pain being unbearable, people would seek unhealthy and degenerative forms of escape. Such a being would ultimately be the cause of fragmentation of society itself.