We've had ten days of almost unbroken sunshine.
The Buddha's teachings were passed down in an unbroken chain of oral tradition for four centuries.
It depicts a young blindfolded woman strumming on the last unbroken strings of a harp, her ear to the instrument.
Or a swath of unbroken, unblemished skin?
Writing novels is hard, and requires vast, unbroken slabs of time.
Relativity treats time and space and gravity as a smooth, unbroken continuum.
The most important thing is that I have an unbroken line around the cliff like this.
And so on until dawn, when I could finally get some unbroken sleep, two or three hours at most.
After a long unbroken spell of spending growth, consumers in America are finally shopped out.
Out:Resumes that are "grey, " with large chunks of unbroken text that require recruiters to slow down.
Out: Resumes that are "grey," with large chunks of unbroken text that require recruiters to slow down.
This unbroken connection has led to the formation of rich plant associations rarely seen elsewhere in the world.
They jumped in and out of the snowdrifts and tumbled through the deep unbroken white fields in front of the school.
In fact she knocked my glasses flying and they fell, though unbroken, several feet away from me on the kitchen floor.
An Indian brave went out hunting and found an eagle's egg that had fallen from its nest but miraculously remained unbroken.
Create a long vertical silhouette by keeping colors and lines unbroken, ' says Gregg Andrews, a Nordstrom fashion director.
From its hilltop vantage point, we gaze over an unbroken green sea in which craggy hills loom on far horizons like tsunamis.
For this reason, the sight of the well-ordered, unbroken expanse of the city’s lights always brought me a great sense of relief.
Above them the rocks give way to brick, darker in colour than the stone foundations and topped with ramparts, unbroken and lowering.
Thetraditional prairie oyster (raw egg, yolk unbroken, plus tomato juice,Worcestershire sauce and salt) was created as a hangover cure.
All complex things taken together form an unbroken continuum between the extremes of stark clockwork gears and ornate natural wilderness.
The same forces that create surface tension in any sample of water are responsible for the maintenance of these unbroken columns of water.
Only in the deepest silence of night the stars smile and whisper among themselves — 'Vain is this seeking! Unbroken perfection is over all!'
The village is at the end of a dirt track and the bush unfurls beyond in a pale sea of thorn and scrub, fading unbroken into Sudan and Congo.
Check resources and elements: the reference is deemed to be unbroken if the resource exists and the referenced element exists inside the resource.
Even China, which has a recorded history stretching back at least 3, 700 years, has only about 1, 500 years left-if present trends continued unbroken.
While not a commercial success-a pattern largely unbroken until I'm Your Man-this lackadaisical triumph is an inspiration to the misanthrope in us all.
But once the researchers adjusted for confounding factors, the network dissolved; in Christakis and Fowler's paper, the happiness link remained unbroken.
In drab browns and grays on a blue background, it depicts a young blindfolded woman strumming on the last unbroken string of a harp, her ear to the instrument.
These exciting races were inspired by the villager's valiant attempts to rescue Chu Yuan from the Mi Lo river. This tradition has remained unbroken for centuries.