Do you remember all those years when scientists argued that smoking would kill us but the doubters insisted that we didn't know for sure? That the evidence was inconclusive, the science uncertain?
Other studies based on intermittent sampling with older instruments, indirect evidence or studying bears with lots of people nearby have left the matter “uncertain, ” as he puts it.
This new work provides compelling evidence that the enormous amount of information we hold in long-term memory is not so uncertain after all.
Whether tabloid storytelling formats are becoming more frequent is uncertain, but anecdotal evidence suggests it's true in broadcast media.
Break - even analysis can provide a scientific judgment according to the risk condition of project and endurance capability of uncertain factors, and gives the evidence for the investment decision.
Rough Set Theory is another mathematical tool used for dealing with fuzzy and uncertain knowledge besides Probability Theory, fuzzy Set Theory and Evidence Theory.
Affected by the sources of evidence and approaches of proof, the proof of facts is to a certain degree uncertain.
Both rough set theory and evidence theory are the math tools for dealing with uncertain knowledge.
Do you remember all those years when scientists argued that smoking would kill us but the doubters insisted that we didn't know for sure?That the evidence was inconclusive, the science uncertain?
The evidence theory is a decision-making method used to solve uncertain and risk decision-making problems.
When the probability is known, the theory of evidence becomes a theory of probability, which is more appropriate for the integration of uncertain information.
In the paper, the models of uncertain reasoning are focused, such as the reasoning model of Bayes probability, Reliability theory, D-S evidence theory and Neural Network.
In addition, evidence of long term effectiveness is lacking and cost-effectiveness is uncertain.
Though the exact date of its foundation remains uncertain, there exists evidence of teaching there as early as 1096.
虽然人们还不确定牛津大学建校的确切日期,但是有证据表明早在1096 '年牛津就有教学活动了。
While there is no convincing evidence that radio wave exposures from mobile phones effect health, scientists remain uncertain as to whether children's developing brains are more vulnerable.
Because observational studies have provided misleading evidence for other antioxidants, the validity of this association is uncertain.
Because observational studies have provided misleading evidence for other antioxidants, the validity of this association is uncertain.