Produced by unique art, forms different atmosphere, brings you enjoyment of uncommon sense, gives you a considerate and attentive care.
Medical science is not foundedon "common sense, " but on uncommon investigation: on randomized, controlled studies that try to rule out as many confoundingvariables as possible.
Teaching slow pursed-lip breathing techniques can help the patient feel some sense of control over breathing. Fear of suffocation or death is not uncommon.
It is not uncommon that as the breath becomes no more than a mild flicker, many students are overcome by a sense of fear and uncertainty and discontinue the practice.
This uncommon character means "brightness" in its classical sense.
It is not uncommon for many Buddhists to feel a sense of superiority over other beings.
It was not uncommon for "screenshots" of Game. com games to simply be put together in a graphics editing program in order to create a false sense of hope in soon-to-be victims customers.
It was not uncommon for "screenshots" of Game. com games to simply be put together in a graphics editing program in order to create a false sense of hope in soon-to-be victims customers.