Geldenhuys added: "Only when it was attacking did I see the fin, but then I could see the whole body under the water."
He has now spent six days without food or water under strict observation and doctors say his body has not yet shown any adverse effects from hunger or dehydration.
The kangaroo held the dog under water at a dam near Melbourne and left deep lacerations across the 49-year-old owner's face and body when he risked his neck to save his pet.
This space begins with the surprise of a contained body of water that gets under an ample terrace which afterwards opens towards the golf field.
Saline Halos are often formed in the soil containing Fe and Mn oxides and organic material by a concealed sulfide ore body under the action of the ground water.
Under no circumstances should the body be rewet after 3 minutes of air drying: water beading will occur which will result in severe marking of the electrocoat during bake.
Under natural conditions, lakes, rivers, and other water bodies undergo Eutrophication, an aging process that slowly fills in the water body with sediment and organic matter.
It can stay with it's body under the water, only its ears, eyes and nose above the water, then it can breathe the air.
Pinocchio had no hat, but he managed to get under the window just in time to feel a shower of ice-cold water pour down on his poor wooden head, his shoulders, and over his whole body.
She lands on the palms of the hands and opens the water with them. Also, she performs a breaststroke motion with her arms under water, so creating pockets of air on either side of her body.
The determination of damage height of superincumbent stratum of goaf has immense meaning for safety and reasonable exploitation of coal seam under water body, building and railway.
Under the same water temperature, the oxygen consumption rate and the asphyxiant point decreased as the body weight of the crayfish increased.
Apply 20g under tap, let water current strike bath salt with slightly high temperature water, add 2/3 volume water of bathtub, immerse body.
A dive is finished when the whole body is completely under the surface of the water.
This particular newborn death was caused not by aspiration, but by asphyxiation because the baby was left under the water for more than fifteen minutes after the full body was born.
Traditional algae inspection is to take statistics of alga species and number in water body through professional′s naked eye under microscope.
When river water body is polluted, it can be purified by kinds of physical, chemical and biologic functions under natural environment factors.
The cleaning water pipe and air blowing pipe are arranged at the external side of the moisture eliminating cylinder body, under which a waste material cone is positioned to hold the cleaned materials.
所述的清洗水管和吹扫气管设置在排潮筒体的外侧,其下还设置有承接被清洗物 质的废料斗。
The utility model is proper in configuration, smart in conceive, convenient to dispose pollutants and clean due to the inclined cooling water plate under the tower body and worth applying.
There are 360 under-water channels and under-water scenery hall. Place yourself in 9 meter deep water body, you may watch to several ten varieties shark fish and other fish.
When the main body is arranged in the water, the light-emitting module can give out light, thereby the position of the main body under the horizontal plane is displayed.
When the main body is arranged in the water, the light-emitting module can give out light, thereby the position of the main body under the horizontal plane is displayed.