PIMCO’s assets under management have grown steadily, to $1.2 trillion.
Managers earn fees, based on a proportion of assets under management.
Its clients' assets under management exceed those of China's mutual-fund industry.
With $3.4 trillion of assets under management, allowing a run on money-market funds was unthinkable.
They are operated and managed by two private operators under management contracts with government.
At the end of 2007 funds of funds controlled around 43% of assets under management in the industry.
The total size of assets under management in swap-based ETFs in Europe was only $124bn, ” says Mr Hamid.
The default UI for the application is a list of the sites under management, sorted by their status value.
It has long been argued that younger funds perform better than those with lots of assets under management.
Likewise, around 70% of retail assets under management are in funds that pay a stable monthly dividend.
Dimensional Fund Advisors, which has $99 billion under management, moved from Santa Monica to Austin in 2006.
管理着990亿美元的共同基金DFA(Dimensional FundAdvisors)在2006年从圣塔莫尼卡(Santa Monica)迁至奥斯丁。
Back-office expenses such as technology and compliance do not rise one-for-one with assets under management.
Across the world there are more than 8,000 hedge-fund managers with over $1.1 trillion in assets under management.
Assets under management fell to $36 billion from $46 billion between the end of its fiscal year on Nov. 30 and March 24.
The least constrained investors-albeit the smallest ones by assets under management-have been growing more rapidly.
The deal brings two big-name hedge funds under one roof and restores Man's assets under management to pre-crisis levels.
There has been a robust double-digit annualized growth rate in total Asset Under Management (AUM) over the last 4 years.
And, according to the survey, clients think funds of funds will continue to supply just over half of hedge-fund assets under management.
Assets under management grew to $41.6 billion in the third quarter from $35.3 billion at the end of the previous period, the company said.
It's a fine product whose expense ratio, at about 50 cents for every hundred dollars in assets under management, is in line with the Maxis fund.
Assets under management have fallen by around $600 billion from their peak, leaving the industry with just over $1.3 trillion to look after.
Andy Maguire of Boston Consulting Group thinks it is hard to see assets under management regaining the levels of 2007 until 2013 at the earliest.
Matt Harris is co-founder and Managing General Partner of Village Ventures, an early stage venture capital firm with over $175M under management.
本文作者马特·哈里斯(Matt Harris)是VillageVentures的联合创始人和公司董事合伙人。 Village Ventures是一家初期风险投资公司,旗下管理着1.75亿美元的资金。
BlackRock has dodged the worst storms of the crisis: it is now the largest financial institution in the world measured by assets under management.
Founded in 2008 with backing from Roger Altman's Evercore Partners, Evercore Wealth Management has just 39 employees and some $2.8 billion under management.
EvercoreWealthManagement成立于2008年,并得到罗杰•奥特曼旗下EvercorePartners的支持。 该机构目前仅有39名雇员,资产管理规模约28亿美元。
The amount of money under management exceeded the number of managers with genuine skill and the range of market anomalies that could be profitably exploited.
Together these funds and facilities amount to $2.7 billion under management, of which $1.9 billion has been committed to purchasing emissions reductions.
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