You are no longer dealing with some underling.
You can highlight main points by underling them.
Regulate the Underling people job grade according to HR policy.
God rules the universe and Satan is an underling in the scheme of things.
"He's so easy-going, most of us think he doesn't do anything," says an underling.
In my 26 years at JWT, I would never have thought of bringing coffee to an underling.
Any day, I imagine he will be taken out by the single bullet of an aggrieved underling.
The underling principle of swap is the existence of comparative advantage of resourses.
Indeed, Mr Plattner may be as much to blame for the firm's troubles as his former underling.
But it seems that the only line of communication that has not changed is between boss and underling.
There will be three days when a co-worker, underling, or conversely, a work project may bring on stress.
Abstract: Objective To study the underling mechanism of the effect of ginsenosides (GS) on spontaneous sleep.
I find the more power motivation the manager have, the more strength their underling could feel, and the job could go with a swing.
Underling holding company are: Shanghai Ruihe Electrical technology Co. , Ltd. , Shanghai Yitong Electronic equipment Co. , Ltd. , etc.
Other underling diseases including hypertension, coronary heart disease and malignant tumor also increased and became new risk factors for PTE.
Be responsible for the management of staff housing operation, implementing Rules and Regulation in House and the supervision of underling staff.
Our healthy participants had a basically accurate visual image of their own body, but the brain's model of the hand underling position sense was highly distorted.
Because all this future thinking was taking place in an fMRI machine, the scientists were able to glimpse the anatomy underling our ability to think about the future.
This charmless message prompted an angry underling to set up a fake Twitter account in Soden's name with tweets that say "I love my life" and "Analyst slacking again."
这条生硬的消息刺激一名愤怒的下属以佐登的名义创建了一个冒名t witter账户,并发信息称“我热爱我的生活”,“分析师又开始吊儿郎当了。”
South Friendship translation Center is an underling of the Shenzhen South Friendship Information Consultation co., Ltd. and a company providing professional translation services.
If a manager's failed office romance forces him or her to focus more heavily on the work, his increasing demands on, for example, a pregnant underling could give her the grounds for a lawsuit.
Though modern jockeys are diminutive in size and this gives them an advantage of being light on a horses back, the meaning of “little man” was more along the lines of “commoner” or “underling.”
Though modern jockeys are diminutive in size and this gives them an advantage of being light on a horses back, the meaning of “little man” was more along the lines of “commoner” or “underling.”