WASHINGTON—According to an FCC report released Monday, a new $300 million Microsoft ad campaign is responsible for causing televisions all across the country to unexpectedly crash.
华盛顿 -据美国联邦通讯委员会(FCC)星期一的调查报告透露,造成这次全国各地所有电视机意外死机事件的元凶已经查明,正是微软公司最近新推出的耗费三亿美元的第二轮广告。
But these non-standard diction publish newspaper unexpectedly now, hall and the ground of emperor made ad, this was disobeyed " advertisement law " regulation.
但这些不规范的用语现在竟登上报纸,堂而皇之地做起了广告,这就违反了《 广告法》的规定。
But these non-standard diction publish newspaper unexpectedly now, hall and the ground of emperor made ad, this was disobeyed " advertisement law " regulation.
但这些不规范的用语现在竟登上报纸,堂而皇之地做起了广告,这就违反了《 广告法》的规定。